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Half-bridge DC-DC converter has drawn wide attention from scholars due to the development of power electronic devices and control theory, as well as the increasing demand for power supply performance. Developed countries have been gradually applying power conversion technology in the civil and industrial sectors. Although China's research in this field started late, the growing economy has prompted researchers to pay more attention to various converters that meet different requirements. This study analyzes the circuit structure and working principles of the Buck converter and designs a half-bridge DC-DC converter. By employing closed-loop control, the constant 400V DC input is converted into a stable 5V DC output, ensuring the system's power supply performance. The designed circuit is simulated using Matlab tools, which validate the effectiveness of the system. Due to its simple circuit structure, fewer power devices, and lower voltage stress on power transistors, the half-bridge DC-DC converter is widely used in medium and small power applications. This study provides insights for further research and development of related products. Keywords: Buck, Half-bridge, DC-DC, MATLAB.
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