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The research report titled "SELDI technology combined with MATLAB software for predicting the sensitivity of colorectal cancer treatment with FOLFOX4 regimen" investigates the potential of using SELDI technology and MATLAB software to identify colorectal cancer patients who will respond positively to the FOLFOX4 regimen. The study, conducted at Shanxi Medical University, collected 60 serum samples from colorectal cancer patients with observable indices.
The researchers utilized SELDI-TOF-MS (surface-enhanced laser desorption/ionization time-of-flight mass spectrometry) to analyze the serum samples and identify potential biomarkers that could indicate sensitivity to FOLFOX4 treatment. The data obtained from SELDI technology was then processed using MATLAB software to develop a predictive model for identifying patients with tumor response to FOLFOX4.
The results of the study demonstrated promising findings, suggesting that the combination of SELDI technology and MATLAB software could be a useful tool in predicting colorectal cancer patients' response to FOLFOX4 treatment. By analyzing the serum biomarkers, the researchers were able to differentiate between patients who were likely to respond well to the FOLFOX4 regimen and those who may not benefit as much from it.
Overall, the study highlights the potential of using advanced technologies such as SELDI-TOF-MS and MATLAB software in personalized medicine for colorectal cancer patients. By accurately predicting treatment response, healthcare providers can tailor individual treatment plans, improving patient outcomes and overall quality of care. Further research in this field could lead to the development of more effective and personalized treatment approaches for colorectal cancer patients.
2021-07-10 上传
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2021-07-26 上传
2021-07-26 上传
2021-07-26 上传
2021-07-26 上传

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