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The current world is experiencing an information revolution led by microelectronic, computer, and communication technologies, with information technology and information industry at its core. The application of single-chip technology has permeated into various fields of our lives, and it is almost difficult to find a field without the trace of single-chip technology. Therefore, the study, development, and application of single-chip technology is one of the basic skills for students majoring in electronic information. The single-chip experimental system developed in this thesis is undoubtedly an effective tool for learning, using, and developing single-chip technology. The circuit includes LED diodes, four-digit integrated digital tubes, four independent buttons for display, interruption, and other parts. It can be used for experiments such as running lights, digital tube display, and interruption operations. The hardware of the circuit mainly includes AT89S51 microcontroller, AT24C02, MAX232, RS232, and USB interfaces. This project is an improvement and enhancement based on assembly language programming, requiring a certain level of single-chip technology foundation. It is not only necessary to have a good foundation in hardware design, but also the ability to design software circuits. The rationality of the hardware should be verified through the operation of the software. In this design, the principle of starting from simple to complex should be followed, understanding the steps and process of making a system, as well as debugging, etc.
Keywords: AT89S51, microcontroller, experimental system, hardware design, software design, assembly language programming.

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