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"《Learning Python》第三版是由Mark Lutz编著的一本面向初学者的Python编程教程。该书以其浅显易懂的风格深受好评,适合那些希望入门Python语言的人。本书是O'Reilly Media出版社的作品,版权属于2008年的O'Reilly Media,强调了美国印刷以及在线版本的可获取性,提供了教育、商业或销售推广等多种购买选项。 作者Mark Lutz以其丰富的经验和深入浅出的讲解,将复杂的编程概念转化为易于理解的实例,使读者能够快速建立起对Python语言的基础认识。该书历经多次修订,自1999年首次出版以来,到2007年已经是第三版,这表明它在技术更新迭代中仍然保持了其权威性和实用性。 作为一本Nutshell Handbook系列的作品,本书可能包括了Python的核心概念、数据类型、控制结构、函数、模块、类与对象等基础知识,以及更高级的主题,如异常处理、文件操作、网络编程和Python标准库的介绍。此外,书中还可能包含了大量的实战项目和习题,帮助读者通过实践巩固理论知识。 封面设计和内部排版由Karen Montgomery和David Futato负责,插图则由Robert Romano提供,确保了阅读体验的专业度和视觉吸引力。该书的编辑团队包括Tatiana Apandi为主编,Sumita Mukherji担任生产编辑,Rachel Head负责校对,而Julie Hawks则承担了索引制作的工作。 《Learning Python》第三版是一本全面且实用的Python学习指南,无论是对于初次接触编程的新手,还是希望提升Python技能的开发者,都是一本不可或缺的参考书籍。通过阅读和实践书中的内容,读者可以逐步掌握Python编程的精髓,为后续深入学习和职业发展打下坚实基础。"
2016-01-05 上传
2016新书,和另一个Learning Python(最新第5版)不是同一个,书面相同 Paperback: 140 pages Publisher: Packt Publishing - ebooks Account (January 1, 2016) Language: English ISBN-10: 178528424X ISBN-13: 978-1785284243 Key Features Find out how to interact with Jenkins from within Eclipse, NetBeans, and IntelliJ IDEA Develop custom solutions that act upon Jenkins information in real time A step-by-step, practical guide to help you learn about extension points in existing plugins and how to build your own plugin Book Description Jenkins CI is the leading open source continuous integration server. It is written in Java and has a wealth of plugins to support the building and testing of virtually any project. Jenkins supports multiple Software Configuration Management tools such as Git, Subversion, and Mercurial. This book explores and explains the many extension points and customizations that Jenkins offers its users, and teaches you how to develop your own Jenkins extensions and plugins. First, you will learn how to adapt Jenkins and leverage its abilities to empower DevOps, Continuous Integration, Continuous Deployment, and Agile projects. Next, you will find out how to reduce the cost of modern software development, increase the quality of deliveries, and thereby reduce the time to market. We will also teach you how to create your own custom plugins using Extension points. Finally, we will show you how to combine everything you learned over the course of the book into one real-world scenario.