
需积分: 0 0 下载量 86 浏览量 更新于2024-03-16 收藏 4.01MB PDF 举报
The generalization mystery in deep learning refers to the phenomenon where over-parameterized neural networks trained with gradient descent successfully generalize well on real datasets, despite being able to fit random datasets of similar size. This raises the question of how gradient descent is able to find a solution that not only fits the training data but also generalizes well on unseen data. In their paper "ON THE GENERALIZATION MYSTERY IN DEEP LEARNING," Satrajit Chatterjee and Piotr Zielinski delve into this issue and argue that the key lies in the optimization process of gradient descent. They propose that through the iterative update of network parameters, gradient descent is able to navigate the solution space and converge on a well-generalizing solution. By understanding the underlying principles of generalization in deep learning, researchers can further enhance the performance and robustness of neural networks in real-world applications.