
需积分: 5 2 下载量 139 浏览量 更新于2024-04-01 收藏 2.63MB DOC 举报
The graduation thesis "Enterprise Employee Management System" aims to address the challenges associated with traditional methods of managing information in enterprise employee systems by leveraging modern network information technology. The system provides centralized management for dictionary management, notice information management, work log management, leadership management, superior instructions management, ordinary employee management, and administrator management. By combining self-researched network knowledge with classroom knowledge, the decision was made to develop the system using the B/S model for high efficiency in system function development. This model allows operators to access the website via a browser, utilizing the popular Java programming language for system development and the robust Mysql database for data storage operations. The system facilitates easy access to superior instructions management information for users and enables administrators to efficiently manage this information. Key words: Enterprise Employee Management System; Superior Instructions Management Information; Notice; Self-service Information.