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"《PMI商业分析指南》(2017版)是PMI发布的一本关于业务分析的专业书籍,相较于2015年的实践指南,内容更加全面,涵盖了项目管理、商业分析的最新理论与实践。" 《PMI商业分析指南》是项目经理和业务分析师的重要参考资料,它详细阐述了在商业环境中进行有效分析所需的技能和方法。这本书由项目管理协会(Project Management Institute, PMI)出版,是PBA(Professional in Business Analysis)认证的学习资源之一,旨在帮助读者理解和应用业务分析的原则。 2017版的更新内容可能包括对行业最佳实践的最新洞察,对业务需求的更深入理解,以及对如何与利益相关者有效沟通的强化。书中可能涵盖了以下关键知识点: 1. **业务分析基础**:介绍业务分析的基本概念、角色和责任,以及它在项目生命周期中的作用。 2. **需求管理**:详细讲解如何识别、收集、分析、记录、验证和管理需求,确保它们满足项目目标并符合业务需求。 3. **策略分析**:探讨如何将组织策略与项目目标相结合,以确保项目支持整体业务战略。 4. **问题解决和决策制定**:提供工具和技术,帮助分析师解决复杂问题,制定明智的决策,并应对不确定性。 5. **利益相关者管理**:强调与利益相关者建立关系、理解和管理期望的重要性,以及如何有效地沟通和协商。 6. **组织和流程分析**:分析现有的工作流程,识别改进机会,并提出改进建议,以提高效率和效果。 7. **数据和信息分析**:介绍数据收集和分析的方法,如数据挖掘、统计分析,以及如何将数据转化为有用的信息。 8. **解决方案评估与确认**:讨论如何评估潜在解决方案的可行性、风险和影响,以及如何确保解决方案得到适当的接受和确认。 9. **变更管理**:涵盖如何计划、管理和控制变更,以确保变更的顺利实施,同时维护项目范围和质量。 10. **职业道德和专业行为**:强调在业务分析实践中遵循道德规范和专业行为的重要性。 此外,2017版可能还增加了对敏捷方法的支持,因为敏捷在项目管理领域越来越普遍。这可能包括适应敏捷环境的业务分析技巧和工具。 《PMI商业分析指南》(2017版)为业务分析师提供了全面的知识框架,帮助他们更好地理解组织需求,推动项目成功,并提升业务价值。对于希望获取PBA认证或提升自身业务分析能力的人来说,这本书是一份不可或缺的资源。
2018-01-30 上传
Our idea for a book that looked at business analysis from an agile perspective, and agile from a business analysis perspective, arose following many discussions with colleagues and customers. We were concerned that the development of business analysis, and the inroads made in appreciating the benefits it can offer, were in danger of being eroded if agile was adopted by organisations and projects without consideration of the busi- ness analysis world view. A review of available publications highlighted that business analysis was not widely explored within agile and the application of agile principles to business analysis (and, conversely, the application of business analysis to agile projects) were not clearly defined anywhere. Therefore, the topics in this book aim to address this gap and provide comprehensive and practical guidance, enabling business analysts to understand how and when they can support agility at an enterprise, programme and project level. To do this, we needed to provide sufficient details of the agile philosophy, methods and practices plus the relevant business analysis approaches and techniques. The more we considered how these two disciplines would work in combination, the more we felt it was a ‘marriage made in heaven’ that had significant potential to improve information systems activity and outcomes and, consequently, the efficiency and effectiveness of organisations. In order to provide the coverage we felt necessary, the book forges a path from the origins of agile, through the different levels and aspects of information systems work and, ultimately, looks at how agile might be adopted by an organisation. We felt it was important that all these dimensions were explored if the landscape of business analysis was to be represented thoroughly. Similarly, it was important to encompass the agile world across this landscape. One of the key aspects we think important, is the need to tailor the approach adopted to information systems work in the light of the organisational context and the scope of the problem to be addressed. Given that agile originated as a software development approach, adapting it to business improvement projects requires careful consideration. Comments made to us about ‘following the Scrum method’ do not align with our world view, which is to always consider the most appropriate way of achieving the desired outcomes that will benefit the enterprise. This is reflected throughout the book as we have described various approaches and techniques in order to support business analysts, and any other IS professionals interested in this topic, in building a toolkit and applying it in an informed way.