Cooperative Jamming Aided Robust Secure
Transmission for Wireless Information and
Power Transfer in MISO Channels
Qi Zhang, Member, IEEE, Xiaobin Huang, Quanzhong Li, and Jiayin Qin
Abstract—Considering simultaneous wireless information and
power transfer (SWIPT), we investigate cooperative-jamming
(CJ) aided robust secure transmission design in multiple-input-
single-output channels, where a cooperative jammer introduces
jamming interferences and assists a source to supply wireless
power for both an energy receiver and a legitimate destination.
The destination employs a power splitting (PS) scheme to split the
received signals for both information decoding and energy har-
vesting (EH). Compared with conventional transmission without
SWIPT, the transmission with SWIPT should satisfy additional
worst-case EH constraints. Furthermore, the PS scheme intro-
duces an additional multiplicative optimization variable, i.e., the
PS factor. Our objective is to maximize worst-case secrecy rate un-
der transmit power constraints and worst-case EH constraints. We
propose to decouple the problem into three optimization problems
and employ alternating optimization algorithm to obtain the lo-
cally optimal solution. For the optimization of transmit covariance
matrices and PS factor, we propose to employ the S-procedure and
its extension to reformulate it as a convex semidefinite program-
ming. It is shown through the simulation results that our proposed
CJ aided robust secure transmission scheme outperforms the
robust direct transmission scheme without CJ and the CJ aided
non-robust scheme.
Index Terms—Cooperative jamming (CJ), energy harvesting
(EH), multiple-input-single-output (MISO), power splitting (PS),
security, simultaneous wireless information and power transfer
IMULTANEOUS wireless information and power transfer
(SWIPT), which belongs to energy harvesting (EH) tech-
niques, is promising to solve energy scarcity problem in energy-
constrained wireless networks [1], [2]. The SWIPT scheme for
single-input-single-output (SISO) channel was investigated in
[1], [2]. Motivated by benefits of multi-antenna techniques, the
SWIPT schemes for multiple-input-single-output (MISO) and
multiple-input-multiple-output (MIMO) channels were studied
Manuscript received December 20, 2014; accepted February 9, 2015. Date
of publication February 20, 2015; date of current version March 13, 2015. This
work was supported in part by the National Natural Science Foundation of
China under Grant 61472458, Grant 61202498, and Grant 61173148 and in part
by the Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities under Grant
15lgzd10 and Grant 15lgpy15. The associate editor coordinating the review of
this paper and approving it for publication was M. Tao.
Q. Zhang, X. Huang, and J. Qin are with the School of Information
Science and Technology, Sun Yat-Sen University, Guangzhou 510006, China
(e-mail: zhqi26@mail.sysu.edu.cn; huangxb2@mail2.sysu.edu.cn; issqjy@
Q. Li is with the School of Advanced Computing, Sun Yat-Sen University,
Guangzhou 510006, China (e-mail: liquanzhong2009@gmail.com).
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/TCOMM.2015.2405063
in [3]–[5]. The SWIPT scheme for MIMO relay networks was
investigated in [6], [7]. For co-located information decoding
(ID) and EH receivers, two practical receiver designs were
proposed for SWIPT, namely, time s witching (TS) and power
splitting (PS) [3]. With TS, the receiver switches over time
between ID and EH, while with PS, the receiver splits the
received signal into two streams of different powers for ID
and EH separately. It is worth noting that TS can be regarded
as a special form of PS with only binary PS ratios and thus
in general PS achieves better rate-energy transmission tradeoff
than TS [3].
Because of broadcast nature of radio propagation and in-
herent randomness of wireless channel, radio transmission is
vulnerable to attacks from unexpected eavesdroppers [8]–[14].
Secure communications in MISO SWIPT systems were studied
in [15]–[17] where perfect channel state information (CSI) was
considered. In practice, it is difficult to obtain perfect CSI
because of channel estimation and quantization errors. Without
SWIPT, the robust secure transmission in conventional MISO
broadcast systems was widely studied in the literature [9], [11]
where channel uncertainties are modeled by worst-case model.
The robust secrecy transmission schemes with artificial noise
(AN) and generalized AN were considered in [9], [10]. Consid-
ering SWIPT, Ng et al. proposed a robust secure beamforming
scheme in multiuser MISO SWIPT systems [18].
Besides AN and generalized AN [9], [10], another efficient
way to increase secrecy rate in wireless systems is cooperative
jamming (CJ), which employs a friendly jammer to introduce
jamming interference to degrade eavesdropper channel [11]–
[14]. In [11], by assuming that the source and the jammer
know perfect CSI from t hemselves to the legitimate destina-
tion and imperfect CSI from themselves to the eavesdropper,
Huang et al. proposed a zero-forcing (ZF) based CJ aided
robust secure transmission scheme in MISO channels where
channel uncertainties are modeled by worst-case model. To the
best of our knowledge, the research on CJ aided robust secure
transmission scheme for SWIPT in MISO Channels is missing.
In this paper, considering SWIPT, we investigate the robust
secure transmission design problem in MISO channels, where
a multi-antenna cooperative j ammer introduces jamming inter-
ferences to degrade eavesdropper channels and assists a multi-
antenna source to supply wireless power for a multi-antenna
energy receiver and a legitimate destination. The destination
employs power splitting (PS) scheme proposed in [3] to split
the received signals into two streams of different powers for ID
and EH separately. We assume that the source and the jammer
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