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"《Better PHP Development》是由SitePoint在2017年出版的一本关于PHP开发的专业书籍,提供高清的文字版本。本书旨在提升PHP开发者的技术水平,涵盖PHP执行机制、调试工具、国际化处理、事件溯源、设计模式、计划任务、事件循环、数据库访问以及虚拟化开发环境等多个核心主题。" 在《Better PHP Development》中,作者深入浅出地讲解了PHP编程的关键知识点: 1. **PHP执行机制**:从源代码到渲染,这一章节将带你了解PHP如何将源代码转化为用户可见的网页。学习这一部分可以让你更好地理解PHP的生命周期,包括解析、编译、执行等步骤,从而优化代码性能。 2. **Xdebug的使用**:Xdebug是一个强大的PHP调试工具,能帮助开发者追踪代码执行、分析性能瓶颈。在第二章中,你将学会如何安装和配置Xdebug,以及如何利用它进行高效的调试工作。 3. **国际化处理(PHP-Intl)**:在第三章,作者介绍了PHP的国际化和本地化功能,包括日期、时间、货币和文本的格式化,这对于构建多语言网站至关重要。 4. **事件溯源**:第四章探讨了事件溯源的概念,这是一种软件设计模式,用于记录系统的所有变化,以便于回溯和重建状态。通过这一技术,开发者可以更好地理解和管理应用程序的状态。 5. **依赖注入与设计模式**:第五章以新颖的角度探讨了依赖注入,这是现代软件开发中的一个重要设计原则,有助于降低耦合度,提高代码可测试性和可维护性。 6. **使用Cronjobs的全面指南**:在第六章,你将学习如何有效地利用Cronjobs来安排计划任务,确保你的PHP脚本能在指定时间自动运行。 7. **PHP中的事件循环**:事件循环是异步编程的基础,第七章详细阐述了PHP如何处理事件循环,以及如何利用它来实现高性能的网络应用。 8. **PDO数据库访问**:PDO(PHP Data Objects)是PHP访问数据库的标准接口。第八章将教会你正确使用PDO,确保安全、高效地与各种数据库进行交互。 9. **Vagrant在PHP开发中的应用**:最后一章介绍了Vagrant,这是一个轻量级的虚拟化工具,它使得开发者可以在一致的环境中开始PHP项目,无论在何处都能快速启动和配置开发环境。 这本书不仅适合初学者,也适合有一定经验的PHP开发者,它提供了一系列实用技巧和最佳实践,帮助读者提升PHP开发的专业素养,避免因缺乏资源和竞争压力而采取的不当编程习惯。通过阅读此书,你将能够更好地理解PHP的内在机制,优化代码,提升项目质量。
2017-11-30 上传
Better PHP Development Published June 2017 Tools and techniques to make you a better developer PHP powers the vast majority of the web today. It is by far the most ubiquitous and accessible mature web language, and welcomes thousands of new developers every day. It is this ease of access that can, admittedly, sometimes give it a bad name - good resources are few and far in between, and the competition is real, driving people to take shortcuts, skip best practices, and learn on-the-fly. With PHP 7+ came some improvements that make it harder to make mistakes, and 7.2 is making things even safer, even more structured. If you’re just getting started with the language (or perhaps youve been using it a while and have learned some bad habits), you’re in luck. Not only will it be ever harder to slip up and make mistakes, but content such as this—hand picked from the excellent SitePoint PHP channel—will help you get started the right way. This collection comprises: How PHP Executes – from Source Code to Render by Thomas Punt Getting to Know and Love Xdebug by Bruno Škvorc Localization Demystified: Php-Intl for Everyone by Younes Rafie Event Sourcing in a Pinch by Christopher Pitt Disco with Design Patterns: A Fresh Look at Dependency Injection by Reza Lavaryan A Comprehensive Guide to Using Cronjobs by Reza Lavaryan Event Loops in PHP by Christopher Pitt PDO - the Right Way to Access Databases in PHP by Parham Doustdar Vagrant: The Right Way to Start with PHP by Bruno Škvorc This book is suitable for beginner- to intermediate-level PHP developers.