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"《Radio Frequency Circuit Design》是W. Alan Davis和Krishna Agarwal合著的一本专业书籍,由John Wiley & Sons, Inc.出版。这本书属于Wiley系列在微波和光学工程领域的一部分,由Kaichang编辑。全书详细探讨了射频电路设计的相关知识和技术,旨在为读者提供全面的射频电路设计指导。" 《Radio Frequency Circuit Design》是射频工程领域的经典著作,涵盖了射频电路设计的基础理论和实际应用。作者W. Alan Davis来自德克萨斯大学阿灵顿分校,而Krishna Agarwal则来自Raytheon Systems Company,两位专家的深厚背景使得这本书的内容既有学术深度,又贴近工业实践。 在射频电路设计中,读者可以期待学习到以下关键知识点: 1. 射频基础:包括射频信号的基本特性、频率范围、传播特性以及射频系统的基本组成部分,如天线、滤波器、放大器等。 2. 微波器件:书中会详细介绍微波晶体管、场效应管(FET)、高电子迁移率晶体管(HEMT)等有源器件的工作原理和设计考虑。 3. 射频放大器设计:涵盖低噪声放大器(LNA)、功率放大器(PA)和混频器的设计方法,包括增益、噪声系数、线性度和效率等方面的优化。 4. 滤波器设计:讨论各种滤波器类型(如LC滤波器、微带滤波器、波导滤波器)的设计原理和实现技术,以及如何根据系统需求选择合适的滤波器。 5. 阻抗匹配网络:介绍网络分析和阻抗匹配的重要性,包括Smith图的使用、巴特沃兹、切比雪夫和椭圆函数滤波器的设计。 6. 射频集成电路(RFIC):涉及集成射频电路的设计,包括CMOS、BiCMOS和GaAs等工艺,以及射频系统级封装(SiP)技术。 7. 射频系统设计:涵盖系统级考虑,如接收机和发射机架构、信号链路分析和干扰抑制策略。 8. 实验与测量:介绍射频实验室中的测量设备和测试方法,以及如何进行射频电路的调试和验证。 9. 最新进展:可能包含射频技术的最新发展,如毫米波、5G通信、物联网(IoT)射频前端等。 此书适合电子工程专业的学生、射频工程师以及对射频技术感兴趣的从业者阅读。通过深入学习,读者将能够掌握射频电路设计的关键技能,从而在射频系统开发中发挥重要作用。
2008-03-27 上传
Foreword xv
Acknowledgments xix
1 Introduction to Communications Circuits 1
1.1 Introduction 1
1.2 Lower Frequency Analog Design and Microwave
Design Versus Radio Frequency Integrated
Circuit Design 2
1.2.1 Impedance Levels for Microwave and Low-
Frequency Analog Design 2
1.2.2 Units for Microwave and Low-Frequency Analog
Design 3
1.3 Radio Frequency Integrated Circuits Used in a
Communications Transceiver 4
1.4 Overview 6
References 6
2 Issues in RFIC Design, Noise, Linearity, and
Filtering 9
2.1 Introduction 9

vi Radio Frequency Integrated Circuit Design
2.2 Noise 9
2.2.1 Thermal Noise 10
2.2.2 Available Noise Power 11
2.2.3 Available Power from Antenna 11
2.2.4 The Concept of Noise Figure 13
2.2.5 The Noise Figure of an Amplifier Circuit 14
2.2.6 The Noise Figure of Components in Series 16
2.3 Linearity and Distortion in RF Circuits 23
2.3.1 Power Series Expansion 23
2.3.2 Third-Order Intercept Point 27
2.3.3 Second-Order Intercept Point 29
2.3.4 The 1-dB Compression Point 30
2.3.5 Relationships Between 1-dB Compression and
IP3 Points 31
2.3.6 Broadband Measures of Linearity 32
2.4 Dynamic Range 35
2.5 Filtering Issues 37
2.5.1 Image Signals and Image Reject Filtering 37
2.5.2 Blockers and Blocker Filtering 39
References 41
Selected Bibliography 42
3 A Brief Review of Technology 43
3.1 Introduction 43
3.2 Bipolar Transistor Description 43Current Dependence 46
3.4 Small-Signal Model 47
3.5 Small-Signal Parameters 48
3.6 High-Frequency Effects 49
as a Function of Current 51
3.6.1 f
3.7 Noise in Bipolar Transistors 53
3.7.1 Thermal Noise in Transistor Components 53
3.7.2 Shot Noise 53
3.7.3 1/f Noise 54

3.8 Base Shot Noise Discussion 55
3.9 Noise Sources in the Transistor Model 55
3.10 Bipolar Transistor Design Considerations 56
3.11 CMOS Transistors 57
3.11.1 NMOS 58
3.11.2 PMOS 58
3.11.3 CMOS Small-Signal Model Including Noise 58
3.11.4 CMOS Square Law Equations 60
References 61
4 Impedance Matching 63
4.1 Introduction 63
4.2 Review of the Smith Chart 66
4.3 Impedance Matching 69
4.4 Conversions Between Series and Parallel Resistor-
Inductor and Resistor-Capacitor Circuits 74
4.5 Tapped Capacitors and Inductors 76
4.6 The Concept of Mutual Inductance 78
4.7 Matching Using Transformers 81
4.8 Tuning a Transformer 82
4.9 The Bandwidth of an Impedance Transformation
Network 83
4.10 Quality Factor of an LC Resonator 85
4.11 Transmission Lines 88
4.12 S, Y, and Z Parameters 89
References 93
5 The Use and Design of Passive Circuit
Elements in IC Technologies 95
5.1 Introduction 95
5.2 The Technology Back End and Metallization in
IC Technologies 95

viii Radio Frequency Integrated Circuit Design
5.3 Sheet Resistance and the Skin Effect 97
5.4 Parasitic Capacitance 100
5.5 Parasitic Inductance 101
5.6 Current Handling in Metal Lines 102
5.7 Poly Resistors and Diffusion Resistors 103
5.8 Metal-Insulator-Metal Capacitors and Poly
Capacitors 103
5.9 Applications of On-Chip Spiral Inductors and
Transformers 104
5.10 Design of Inductors and Transformers 106
5.11 Some Basic Lumped Models for Inductors 108
5.12 Calculating the Inductance of Spirals 110
5.13 Self-Resonance of Inductors 110
5.14 The Quality Factor of an Inductor 111
5.15 Characterization of an Inductor 115
5.16 Some Notes About the Proper Use of Inductors 117
5.17 Layout of Spiral Inductors 119
5.18 Isolating the Inductor 121
5.19 The Use of Slotted Ground Shields and
Inductors 122
5.20 Basic Transformer Layouts in IC Technologies 122
5.21 Multilevel Inductors 124
5.22 Characterizing Transformers for Use in ICs 127
5.23 On-Chip Transmission Lines 129
5.23.1 Effect of Transmission Line 130
5.23.2 Transmission Line Examples 131
5.24 High-Frequency Measurement of On-Chip
Passives and Some Common De-Embedding
Techniques 134

5.25 Packaging 135
5.25.1 Other Packaging Techniques 138
References 139
6 LNA Design 141
6.1 Introduction and Basic Amplifiers 141
6.1.1 Common-Emitter Amplifier (Driver) 141
6.1.2 Simplified Expressions for Widely Separated
Poles 146
6.1.3 The Common-Base Amplifier (Cascode) 146
6.1.4 The Common-Collector Amplifier (Emitter
Follower) 148
6.2 Amplifiers with Feedback 152
6.2.1 Common-Emitter with Series Feedback (Emitter
Degeneration) 152
6.2.2 The Common-Emitter with Shunt Feedback 154
6.3 Noise in Amplifiers 158
6.3.1 Input-Referred Noise Model of the Bipolar
Transistor 159
6.3.2 Noise Figure of the Common-Emitter Amplifier 161
6.3.3 Input Matching of LNAs for Low Noise 163
6.3.4 Relationship Between Noise Figure and Bias
Current 169
6.3.5 Effect of the Cascode on Noise Figure 170
6.3.6 Noise in the Common-Collector Amplifier 171
6.4 Linearity in Amplifiers 172
6.4.1 Exponential Nonlinearity in the Bipolar
Transistor 172
6.4.2 Nonlinearity in the Output Impedance of the
Bipolar Transistor 180
6.4.3 High-Frequency Nonlinearity in the Bipolar
Transistor 182
6.4.4 Linearity in Common-Collector Configuration 182
6.5 Differential Pair (Emitter-Coupled Pair) and
Other Differential Amplifiers 183
6.6 Low-Voltage Topologies for LNAs and the Use
of On-Chip Transformers 184

x Radio Frequency Integrated Circuit Design
6.7 DC Bias Networks 187
6.7.1 Temperature Effects 189
6.8 Broadband LNA Design Example 189
References 194
Selected Bibliography 195
7 Mixers 197
7.1 Introduction 197
7.2 Mixing with Nonlinearity 197
7.3 Basic Mixer Operation 198
7.4 Controlled Transconductance Mixer 198
7.5 Double-Balanced Mixer 200
7.6 Mixer with Switching of Upper Quad 202
7.6.1 Why LO Switching? 203
7.6.2 Picking the LO Level 204
7.6.3 Analysis of Switching Modulator 205
7.7 Mixer Noise 206
7.8 Linearity 215
7.8.1 Desired Nonlinearity 215
7.8.2 Undesired Nonlinearity 215
7.9 Improving Isolation 217
7.10 Image Reject and Single-Sideband Mixer 217
7.10.1 Alternative Single-Sideband Mixers 219
7.10.2 Generating 90° Phase Shift 220
7.10.3 Image Rejection with Amplitude and Phase
Mismatch 224
7.11 Alternative Mixer Designs 227
7.11.1 The Moore Mixer 228
7.11.2 Mixers with Transformer Input 228
7.11.3 Mixer with Simultaneous Noise and Power
Match 229
7.11.4 Mixers with Coupling Capacitors 230

7.12 General Design Comments 231
7.12.1 Sizing Transistors 232
7.12.2 Increasing Gain 232
7.12.3 Increasing IP3 232
7.12.4 Improving Noise Figure 233
7.12.5 Effect of Bond Pads and the Package 233
7.12.6 Matching, Bias Resistors, and Gain 234
7.13 CMOS Mixers 242
References 244
Selected Bibliography 244
8 Voltage-Controlled Oscillators 245
8.1 Introduction 245
8.2 Specification of Oscillator Properties 245
8.3 The LC Resonator 247
8.4 Adding Negative Resistance Through Feedback
to the Resonator 248
8.5 Popular Implementations of Feedback to the
Resonator 250
8.6 Configuration of the Amplifier (Colpitts or
) 251
8.7 Analysis of an Oscillator as a Feedback System 252
8.7.1 Oscillator Closed-Loop Analysis 252
8.7.2 Capacitor Ratios with Colpitts Oscillators 255
8.7.3 Oscillator Open-Loop Analysis 258
8.7.4 Simplified Loop Gain Estimates 260
8.8 Negative Resistance Generated by the Amplifier 262
8.8.1 Negative Resistance of Colpitts Oscillator 262
8.8.2 Negative Resistance for Series and Parallel
Circuits 263
Oscillator 265
8.8.3 Negative Resistance Analysis of -G
8.9 Comments on Oscillator Analysis 268
8.10 Basic Differential Oscillator Topologies 270

xii Radio Frequency Integrated Circuit Design
8.11 A Modified Common-Collector Colpitts
Oscillator with Buffering 270
Topology 270
8.12 Several Refinements to the -G
8.13 The Effect of Parasitics on the Frequency of
Oscillation 274
8.14 Large-Signal Nonlinearity in the Transistor 275
8.15 Bias Shifting During Startup 277
8.16 Oscillator Amplitude 277
8.17 Phase Noise 283
8.17.1 Linear or Additive Phase Noise and Leeson’s
Formula 283
8.17.2 Some Additional Notes About Low-Frequency
Noise 291
8.17.3 Nonlinear Noise 292
8.18 Making the Oscillator Tunable 295
8.19 VCO Automatic-Amplitude Control Circuits 302
8.20 Other Oscillators 313
References 316
Selected Bibliography 317
9 High-Frequency Filter Circuits 319
9.1 Introduction 319
9.2 Second-Order Filters 320
9.3 Integrated RF Filters 321
9.3.1 A Simple Bandpass LC Filter 321
9.3.2 A Simple Bandstop Filter 322
9.3.3 An Alternative Bandstop Filter 323
9.4 Achieving Filters with Higher Q 327
9.4.1 Differential Bandpass LNA with Q-Tuned Load
Resonator 327
9.4.2 A Bandstop Filter with Colpitts-Style Negative
Resistance 329
9.4.3 Bandstop Filter with Transformer-Coupled -G
Negative Resistance 331

9.5 Some Simple Image Rejection Formulas 333
9.6 Linearity of the Negative Resistance Circuits 336
9.7 Noise Added Due to the Filter Circuitry 337
9.8 Automatic Q Tuning 339
9.9 Frequency Tuning 342
9.10 Higher-Order Filters 343
References 346
Selected Bibliography 347
10 Power Amplifiers 349
10.1 Introduction 349
10.2 Power Capability 350
10.3 Efficiency Calculations 350
10.4 Matching Considerations 351
Versus Matching to
10.4.1 Matching to S
22 opt
10.5 Class A, B, and C Amplifiers 353
10.5.1 Class A, B, and C Analysis 356
10.5.2 Class B Push-Pull Arrangements 362
10.5.3 Models for Transconductance 363
10.6 Class D Amplifiers 367
10.7 Class E Amplifiers 368
10.7.1 Analysis of Class E Amplifier 370
10.7.2 Class E Equations 371
10.7.3 Class E Equations for Finite Output Q 372
10.7.4 Saturation Voltage and Resistance 373
10.7.5 Transition Time 373
10.8 Class F Amplifiers 375
10.8.1 Variation on Class F: Second-Harmonic Peaking 379
10.8.2 Variation on Class F: Quarter-Wave
Transmission Line 379
10.9 Class G and H Amplifiers 381
10.10 Class S Amplifiers 383

xiv Radio Frequency Integrated Circuit Design
10.11 Summary of Amplifier Classes for RF Integrated
Circuits 384
10.12 AC Load Line 385
10.13 Matching to Achieve Desired Power 385
10.14 Transistor Saturation 388
10.15 Current Limits 388
10.16 Current Limits in Integrated Inductors 390
10.17 Power Combining 390
10.18 Thermal Runaway—Ballasting 392
10.19 Breakdown Voltage 393
10.20 Packaging 394
10.21 Effects and Implications of Nonlinearity 394
10.21.1 Cross Modulation 395
10.21.2 AM-to-PM Conversion 395
10.21.3 Spectral Regrowth 395
10.21.4 Linearization Techniques 396
10.21.5 Feedforward 396
10.21.6 Feedback 397
10.22 CMOS Power Amplifier Example 398
References 399
About the Authors 401
Index 403