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The graduation thesis "Numerical Integration Algorithm and MATLAB Implementation" discusses the methods and implementation of numerical integration in the context of complex and non-analytical functions. Due to the difficulty in obtaining the exact solutions for certain definite integrals, numerical integration provides an effective approach to approximate the values. The thesis explores the generation of numerical integration problems and provides a detailed introduction to important methods such as Newton-Cotes quadrature formula, Romberg integration, and Gauss-Legendre quadrature formula for improving the accuracy of integration calculations. Extensive theoretical analysis and practical application of these numerical integration algorithms are implemented using MATLAB software. The thesis also includes examples to analyze and compare the calculation errors of different quadrature formulas. The in-depth study and practical implementation of numerical integration algorithms in MATLAB provide a comprehensive understanding of the topic and its practical significance in the field of numerical analysis. The thesis aims to contribute to the knowledge and understanding of numerical integration algorithms and their implementation using MATLAB software.
2023-07-08 上传
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