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"富华住宅小区工程施组_房建建筑工程施工组织设计方案.pdf" 提供了关于富华住宅小区工程的施工组织设计方案。该工程由 XX 投资兴建,位于XX路与XX路交叉口北侧,由XX设计公司设计。整个建筑包括地下室、车库,总建筑面积为16005平方米,建筑等级为Ⅱ级,防火等级为Ⅰ级,抗震设防列度为7度。地下室基础采用人工挖孔灌注桩,结构类型为框支剪力墙结构。地下室分为四个库区,层高分别为4.2米、3.8米、3.6米和3.7米,底板绝对标高分别为22.5米、24.8米、25.5米、28.6米和34.4米。该建筑的特点是依山而建,由低至高,标高富于变化。"
Overall, the "Construction Organization Design Scheme of Building Construction Project for Fuhua Residential District" provides a comprehensive overview of the construction project. It is initiated by XX investor, located at the intersection of XX Road and XX Road North. Covering an area of 16005 square meters, the building is classified as Grade II with fire prevention measures at Grade I and seismic fortification level at 7 degrees. The structural foundation of the underground parking garage adopts manual borehole grouting piles, and the structure type is frame-supported shear wall structure. The underground garage is divided into four storage areas, with varying floor heights and absolute elevation levels. The unique feature of this building is its construction along the natural slope, creating a diverse and dynamic elevation levels from low to high.
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