Designs of Inter-Group Complementary Sequence Set from
Interleaving Z-Periodic Complementary Sequences
Longye WANG
, Xiaoli ZENG
, Nonmembers, and Hong WEN
, Member
SUMMARY Novel constructions of inter-group complementary (IGC)
sequences are proposed based on Z-periodic complementary (ZPC) se-
quences and uncorrelated sequence set by taking advantages of interleaved
operation. The presented methods can get IGC sequences from interleaving
ZPC sequence set. The proposed methods not only can get polyphase IGC
sequence set, but also can obtain binary and ternary IGC sequence set. In
particular, with the aid of uncorrelated sequence, the number of available
groups of IGC sequences from interleaving ZPC sequence set can be chosen
with flexibility compared to the existed IGC sequences. The IGC sequences
based code division multiple access (CDMA) systems may perform better
on bit error rates than conventional sequences based interference-limited
CDMA systems. Moreover, the novel IGC sequences may work well in
both synchronous and asynchronous operational modes.
key words: inter-group complementary sequences, Z-periodic complemen-
tary sequences, periodic perfect complementary sequences, zero correlation
zone, interleaving technique
1. Introduction
Code division multiple access (CDMA) technologies have
been attractive in wireless personal communications due
to their robust performance. However, CDMA systems
may degrade their performances due to the multipath in-
terference (MI) and multiple access interference (MAI) re-
sulted from non-ideal correlation properties of the spread-
ing sequences. Both MI and MAI can be reduced or
avoided by using the spreading sequences with the good
correlation properties. Therefore, it is important to design
spreading sequences with good correlation properties and
interference-resistant capabilities in order to improve the per-
formance of CDMA, OFDM (orthogonal frequency-division
multiplexing)-CDMA, and MIMO (multiple-input multiple-
output)-CDMA systems.
There have been a number of existing research results
on the construction of spreading sequences to eliminate MAI
and MI in CDMA systems [1]–[8]. Chen et al. initially pro-
posed a multi-carrier CDMA (MC-CDMA) system employ-
ing complete complementary (CC) sequences [9]. In 2004,
Manuscript received December 16, 2015.
The authors are with the National Key Laboratory of Science
and Technology on Communications, University of Electronic Sci-
ence and Technology of China, Chengdu 611731, China.
The author is with the School of Engineering and Technology,
Tibet University, Lhasa 850000, China.
The author is with Engineering Research Center for Tibetan
Information Technology, Tibet University, Lhasa, 850000, China.
a) E-mail:
b) E-mail: (Corresponding author)
c) E-mail:
DOI: 10.1587/transfun.E99.A.987
he proposed a more general complementary sequence called
periodic perfect complementary (PC) sequences [10], which
is a super set of different CC sequences and possesses the per-
fect cross-correlation properties of different CC sequences
in the set [10], [11]. However, the number of available peri-
odic PC sequences relevant to the CDMA capacity is prac-
tically limited by the number of elementary sequences may
be constrained by mathematical bound [12]. The Z-periodic
complementary (ZPC) sequences are proposed for wider ap-
plications in the CDMA systems, due to the sequences are not
limited by neither the length of elementary sequences, nor
the number of mates [13]. Comparing with CC sequences
and periodic PC sequences, ZPC sequences have larger set
sizes by shortening zero correlation zone (ZCZ) width which
may accommodate more users in CDMA systems. However,
the synchronous deviation is limited in the CDMA systems
due to shortened ZCZ width, which leads to inter-channel
and inter-cell interference can still not be eliminated.
The inter-group complementary (IGC) sequences is a
group of the ZPC sequences containing multiple ZPC se-
quence subgroups put forward based on periodic PC se-
quences by Li et al. [14]. It has been shown that the CDMA
systems employing the IGC sequences (IGC-CDMA) get a
much better bit error rate (BER) performance than a tradi-
tional interference-limited CDMA system employing con-
ventional sequences [14]. In particular, IGC sequences can
work well in both synchronous and asynchronous operational
modes. Later, a design of IGC sequences was proposed based
on ZPC sequences and the uncorrelated sequences by Feng
et al. in [15]. The sequences in [15] owns flexible choices of
ZCZ width, while the length of ZCZ depends on the number
of ‘0’ which is appended to each elementary sequence. In
addition, a construction of IGC sequences is proposed based
on interleaved periodic PC sequences by Feng et al. in [16].
However, the number of groups in this IGC sequence set is
limited on the set sizes of original PC sequences. To get the
number of available groups in the IGC sequence set, new
constructions of the IGC sequences are presented, which
are expected to provide more choice for the CDMA system
In this paper, new constructions of IGC sequences are
proposed based on interleaved known ZPC sequences. The
generated IGC sequences own the similar correlation prop-
erties to IGC sequences generated in [14]–[16]. The cross-
correlation function (CCF) of any two sequences from the
same groups are zeros within an intra-group ZCZ, and the
CCF of any two sequences from different subgroups are ze-
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