Fig. 2. Block diagram for a top–down surveillance system. The grouping of
pixels in the foreground mask into silhouettes that represent objects is done
early with a simple algorithm without knowledge of object classes.
Fig. 3. Block diagram for a bottom–up surveillance system. Local image
patches are first extracted from the input image and classified as a specific
part of a trained object class. The identified parts are combined into objects
based on the class through a grouping or voting process. Advanced tracking
concepts [83] allow this grouping to be performed in the spatial–temporal
domain, which directly produces an object trajectory rather than frame-per-
frame object detections.
the processing pipeline of a typical video analytics application:
foreground estimation (see Section III-A), classification (see
Section III-B), and tracking (see Section III-D). See Fig. 2
for a block diagram. A statistical model typically estimates
foreground pixels, which are then grouped with a basic model
(e.g., connected regions) and propagated through the system
until the classification stage; for example, see [14], [21], [29],
[45], [51], [56], and [98]. Classification then uses prior infor-
mation (previously learned or preprogrammed) about the object
classes to assign a class label. For the remainder of this paper,
we will refer to this class of algorithms as “top–down” or
“object based,” because pixels are grouped into objects early
during the processing.
In contrast, we define a “bottom–up” approach as an ap-
proach that first detects and classifies parts of an object (see
Fig. 3). This initial classification of the parts uses learned prior
information (e.g., training) about the final object classes (e.g.,
an image area is classified to be a car wheel or a pedestrian
head based on previously learned appearances of wheels and
heads). The combination of these parts into valid objects and
trajectories is the final step of the algorithm; for example, see
[83], [85], and [104]. This type of approach is typically used in
generic object recognition.
In the next section, we will first describe the top–down
approach in more detail, including foreground segmentation
and top–down vehicle classification. This approach is followed
by relevant bottom–up classification approaches for traffic
surveillance. The last section considers tracking, which can
equally be applied after both classification methods.
A. Foreground Segmentation
Foreground estimation and segmentation is the first stage of
several visual surveillance systems. The f oreground regions are
marked (e.g., mask image) for processing in the subsequent
steps. The foreground is defined as every object, which is
not a fixed furniture of a scene, where fixed could normally
mean months or years. This definition conforms to human
understanding, but it is difficult to algorithmically implement.
There are two main different approaches to estimate the fore-
ground, which both use strong assumptions to comply with the
aforementioned definition. First, a background model of some
kind can be used to accumulate information about the s cene
background of a video sequence. The model is then compared
to the current frame to identify differences (or “motion”),
provided that the camera is stationary. This concept lends itself
well for computer implementation but leads to problems with
slow-moving traffic. Any car should be considered foreground,
but stationary objects are missed due to the lack of motion. The
next five sections discus different solutions for using motion as
the main cue for foreground segmentation.
A different approach performs segmentation based on whole
object appearances and will be discussed in Section VI. This
approach can be used for moving and for stationary cameras but
requires prior information f or foreground object appearances.
This way, the review moves from the simple frame differ-
ence method in the next section to learning based methods in
Section VI.
1) Frame Differencing: Possibly, the simplest method for
foreground segmentation is frame differencing. A pixel-by-
pixel difference map is computed between two consecutive
frames. This difference is thresholded and used as the fore-
ground mask. This algorithm is very fast; however, it can-
not cope with noise, abrupt illumination changes, or periodic
movements in the background such as trees. In [110], frame
differencing is used to detect street-parking vehicles. Special
care is taken in the algorithm to suppress the influence of noise.
Motorcycles are detected in [102] based on frame differencing.
However, using more information than only the last frame for
subtraction is preferable. This approach leads to the background
subtraction techniques described in the next sections.
2) Background Subtraction: This group of background
models estimates a background image (i.e., fixed scene), which
is subtracted from the current video frame. A threshold is
applied to the resulting difference image to give the foreground
mask. The threshold can be constant or dynamic, as used in
[51]. The following methods differ in the way the background
picture is obtained, resulting in different levels of image quality
for different levels of computational complexity.
a) Averaging: In the background averaging method, all
video frames are summed up. The learning rate specifies the
weight between a new frame and the background. This al-
gorithm has little computational cost; however, it is likely to
produce tails behind moving objects due to the contamination
of the background with the appearance of the moving objects.