A 64-Channel Transmitter for Investigating Parallel
Transmit MRI
Ke Feng, Neal A. Hollingsworth, Student Member, IEEE, Mary Preston McDougall, Member, IEEE,
and Steven M. Wright
, Fellow, IEEE
Abstract—Multiple channel radiofrequency (RF) transmitters
are being used in magnetic resonance imaging to investigate a num-
ber of active research topics, including transmit SENSE and B
shimming. Presently, the cost and availability of multiple channel
transmitters restricts their use to relatively few sites. This paper
describes the development and testing of a relatively inexpensive
transmit system that can be easily duplicated by users with a rea-
sonable level of RF hardware design experience. The system de-
scribed here consists of 64 channels, each with 100 W peak output
level. The hardware is modular at the level of four channels, easily
accommodating larger or smaller channel counts. Unique aspects
of the system include the use of vector modulators to replace more
complex IQ direct digital modulators, 100 W MOSFET RF am-
plifiers with partial microstrip matching networks, and the use of
digital potentiometers to replace more complex and costly digital-
to-analog converters to control the amplitude and phase of each
channel. Although mainly designed for B
shimming, the system is
capable of dynamic modulation necessary for transmit SENSE by
replacing the digital potentiometers controlling the vector modula-
tors with commercially available analog output boards. The system
design is discussed in detail and bench and imaging data are shown,
demonstrating the ability to perform phase and amplitude control
for B
shimming as well as dynamic modulation for transmitting
complex RF pulses.
Index Terms—B
shimming, parallel transmission, radiofre-
quency (RF) amplifier, transmit SENSE, vector modulation.
AGNETIC resonance imaging (MRI) systems have in-
creasingly moved to higher main magnetic fields in an
effort to obtain an increased signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) [1]–[3]
with associated potential benefits [4]–[6]. The correspondingly
higher frequencies and shorter wavelengths, however, have
led to well-known radiofrequency (RF) inhomogeneity prob-
lems [7]–[11]. Parallel transmission in MRI has been explored
in recent years as a method to address this problem, as well
Manuscript received June6, 2011; revisedAugust 24,2011; acceptedSeptem-
ber 27, 2011. Date of publication April 27, 2012; date of current version July
18, 2012. This work was supported in part by the National Institutes of Health
under Grant 1R21EB005695 and Grant 1R01NS05876. Asterisk indicates cor-
responding author.
K. Feng and N. A. Hollingsworth are with the Department of Electrical and
Computer Engineering, Texas A&M University, College Station, TX 77801
USA (e-mail: jnfengke@gmail.com; nealaholl@gmail.com).
M. P. McDougall is with the Departments of Biomedical Engineering and
Electrical and Computer Engineering, Texas A&M University, College Station,
TX 77801 USA (e-mail: mpmcdougall@tamu.edu).
*S. M. Wright is with the Department of Electrical and Computer Engi-
neering, Texas A&M University, College Station, TX 77801 USA (e-mail:
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/TBME.2012.2196797
as to accelerate spatial-spectral RF pulses, and even poten-
tially reduce specific absorption rate (SAR) [7]–[9], [12]–[17].
Much of the early research in the field used simulations due
to the lack of multiple channel hardware systems [15], [16].
Other studies combined several commercially available trans-
mitters [16]–[18]. This approach is limited by high cost and
complexity, making such parallel systems impractical for most
researchers. Commercial solutions are becoming available but
remain relatively expensive, though Vaughn et al. successfully
implemented a 16-channel parallel transmit system [19]. We
report here the design, construction, initial testing, and results
from a 64-channel parallel transmitter that is both scalable and
of low cost. This system is capable of not only traditional parallel
transmission MRI applications, but also additional possibilities
enabled by the high channel count. In particular, the system was
developed for rapid imaging using a transmit/receive version of
single echo acquisition (SEA) imaging [20].
In this paper, we focus on the design and implementation
of the 64-channel parallel transmitter system. A system-level
overview is presented with details of each subsystem (mod-
ulation, control system, RF amplifiers, transmit/receive (T/R)
switches, and preamplifiers), followed by a discussion of the
integration of the parallel transmitter with an existing MR sys-
tem. We conclude with results from bench testing and imaging
to demonstrate the functionality of the system, and a discussion
of possible future modifications.
A. System Overview
Each channel in the parallel transmit system had an indepen-
dent modulator and a two-stage power amplifier. An overview of
a single channel is shown in Fig. 1. The interface to the MR sys-
tem consisted of a single digital line to gate the transmit system
and the RF signal, which was split 64 ways in the transmitter sys-
tem to each of the modulators. Each modulator utilized a single
integrated circuit (IC) vector modulator (described later) with
additional gain and signal conditioning on board. The modulat-
ing signals were provided by digitally controlled potentiometers
for “static modulation,” which is well suited to B
applications. These can be easily replaced with analog sources
to allow for the true RF pulse modulation needed for transmit
SENSE, which is also demonstrated. The modulators were fol-
lowed by a two-stage, noise-gated RF power amplifier system
capable of 100 W peak output per channel. Finally, active T/R
switches and preamplifiers were located near the magnet bore
to interface to the coil array and the parallel receive system.
0018-9294/$31.00 © 2012 IEEE