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In recent years, intelligent and automation technology has been increasingly emphasized in the field of toy manufacturing. This paper introduces the design of an intelligent car control system - the voice-controlled car. The voice-controlled car is based on the representative product SPCE061A, which is equipped with the 61 board and integrates many resources of SPCE061A. The car uses voice recognition technology to control its driving status through voice commands.
Firstly, the main performance of SPCE061A and the function of its pins are introduced. Then, the design of hardware functional modules such as power supply circuit, reset circuit, keyboard circuit, audio input circuit, audio output circuit, and wireless control circuit is completed. The software design module can achieve functions such as forward, backward, turning, stopping, obstacle avoidance, performing actions, and line following for the intelligent car.
Tests have shown that in environments with relatively low background noise and clear pronunciations from the controller, the voice recognition system of the voice-controlled car can intelligently respond to specific voice commands and perform the expected limited actions. Keywords: spec061a, voice recognition, drive circuit, sound-controlled car, intelligent response.
107 浏览量
833 浏览量
1068 浏览量
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