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数据结构-第三章 栈和队列.ppt;数据结构-第三章 栈和队列.ppt;BME第三章 栈和队列 ---- 操作受限的线性表BME 3.1 栈 3.1.1 抽象数据类型栈的定义 3.1.2 栈的表示与实现 3.2 栈的应用举例 3.2.1 数制转换 3.2.5 表达式求值 3.3 栈和递归的实现 3.4 队列 3.4.1 抽象数据类型队列的定义 3.4.2 链队列 -- 队列的链式表示与实现 3.4.3 循环队列 -- 队列的顺序表示与实现3.1 栈BME课前思考课前思考1.1.你见过餐馆中一叠一叠的盘子吗?如果它们是按你见过餐馆中一叠一叠的盘子吗?如果它们是按1,2,1,2,……,n,n的次序往上叠的,那么使用时候的次序的次序往上叠的,那么使用时候的次序应是什么样的?应是什么样的?必然是依从上往下的次序,即 n,…,2,1 。它们遵循的是 " 后进先出 " 的规律,这正是本章要讨论的 " 栈 " 的结构特点。BME3 、 1 栈3.1 栈BME栈( Stack )是限定只能在表尾进行插入和删除操作的线性表。在表中,;"
The third chapter of the BME presentation is about stacks and queues, which are limited operations linear tables. The chapter covers the abstract data type of stacks and their definition, as well as their representation and implementation. Additionally, it discusses the applications of stacks, such as number system conversion and expression evaluation. A section on the implementation of stacks and recursion is also included.
In addition to stacks, the chapter also covers queues, their abstract data type definition, and their representation and implementation, including linked queues and circular queues.
The chapter begins by prompting the audience to think about the characteristics of stacked plates in a restaurant, which follow the "last in, first out" rule, illustrating the structure of a stack.
The presentation is a comprehensive exploration of the concept of stacks and queues, providing a thorough understanding of their properties, applications, and implementations. It is a valuable resource for anyone studying these data structures and their practical use in various computing applications.

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