COL 9(8), 082302(2011) CHINESE OPTICS LETTERS August 10, 2011
Study on the saturation characteristics of high-speed
uni-traveling-carrier photodiodes based on
field screening analysis
Tuo Shi (
), Bing Xiong (
, Changzheng Sun (
), and Yi Luo (
Tsinghua National Laboratory for Information Science and Technology, State Key Lab on Integrated Optoelectronics,
Department of Electronic Engineering, Tsinghua University, Beijing 100084, China
Corresponding author: bxiong@tsinghua.edu.cn
Received February 28, 2011; accepted March 25, 2011; posted online May 31, 2011
A back-illuminated mesa-structure InGaAs/InP charge-compensated uni-traveling-carrier (UTC) photodi-
ode (PD) is fabricated, and its saturation characteristics are investigated. The responsivity of the 40-µm-
diameter PD is as high as 0.83 A/W, and the direct current (DC) saturation current is up t o 275 mA. The
1-dB compression point at the 3-dB cutoff frequency of 9 GHz is measured to be 100 mA, corresponding
to an output radio frequency (RF) power of up to 20.1 dBm. According to t he calculated electric field
distributions in the depleted region under both DC and alternating current (AC) conditions, t he saturation
of the UTC-PD is caused by complete field screening at high optical injection levels.
OCIS codes: 230.5170, 250.0040.
doi: 10.3788/COL201109.082302.
Analog optical links are favored for many microwave ap-
plications, such as phased array antennas and wireless-
over-fiber systems, due to their advantages of low trans-
mission loss, wide bandwidth, reduced size and weight,
and immunity to electro magnetic interference
. To
improve the perfor mances of the analog links, such as
link gain, noise figure, and spurious-free dynamic range
(SFDR), one of the key issues that must b e considered
is utilizing photodiodes (PDs) possessing high quan-
tum efficiency and the ability to handle high optical
power, i.e., PDs with high responsivity and high sat-
uration photocurrent
. Many studies have been un-
dertaken to increase the responsiv ity, such as tho se on
evanescently coupled photodiodes combined with mul-
timode diluted waveguide
and three-mirror cavity
. Meanwhile, research on improving the
saturation performance of PDs has attracted plenty of at-
tention. Various device structures, such as uni-traveling-
carrier (UTC)
, partially depleted-absorber
dual-depletion region
, have been proposed to im-
prove the bandwidth and sa tur ation photocurrent of
PDs by tailoring carrier traveling process in the deple-
tion region. Moreover, optimizing the electric field in the
depletion re gion can modulate the electron drift velocity,
thus re lieving the carrier pileup and increasing response
sp e ed
. Due to the car rier pileup in the depletion
region under high current, space-charge effect, which
causes the electric field redistribution, degrades the per-
formance of a PD at high optical injection levels, lead-
ing to output radio freq uency (RF) power compressio n,
bandwidth reduction, and significant nonlinearity
However, to the best of our knowledge, there have only
been relatively few reports on the relatio nship b etween
the electric field distribution and the estimation of PD
saturation performance, which is crucial for applications
requiring high output RF power.
In this letter, we report the fabrication and ana lysis
of a high performance, modified UTC-PD designed for
analog optical link applications. The UTC-PD exhibits
responsivity of up to 0.83 A/W and a high direct current
(DC) saturation current of 275 mA. The 1-dB compres-
sion point is 100 mA at the 3- dB cutoff frequency of 9
GHz, corresponding to a RF output power of as high
as 20.1 dBm. The electric field distribution within the
UTC-PD under the DC and alternating current (AC)
conditions are calculated, and complete field screening
is found to be the cause of the measured saturation per-
formance of the device. This study makes it possible to
estimate the saturation characteristics of PDs by analyz-
ing the electric field distr ibution.
The epitaxial layer structure of our UTC-PD is shown
in Fig. 1, which is similar to the one depicted in Ref.
[14]. The intrinsic layers were lightly doped to provide a
Fig. 1. Epitaxial layer structure of the modified UTC-PD.
1671-7694/2011/082302(4) 082302-1
2011 Chinese Optics Letters