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本文介绍了基于 Matlab 的车牌识别算法,车牌系统是智能交通领域的重要应用课题之一。车牌识别系统包括车牌定位、字符分割和字符识别,其中车牌定位的目的是确定车牌的位置,便于后续的字符分割和字符识别工作。常用的方法有模板匹配、特征和神经网络法。本设计采用基于模板匹配算法和基于人工神经网络算法对车牌进行定位识别。该算法只对蓝底白字车牌进行分割识别,对黑底白字车牌原则上整个算法可直接适用。分割出的图像像素值和模板图像达到了一致,避免了像素值不一致所带来的问题。对其他类型的车牌,需要对车牌定位算法进行调整,并将图像反转。关键词:车牌识别系统;字符分割;车牌定位。 Overall, the document introduces a car license plate recognition algorithm based on Matlab. The license plate system is an important application topic in the field of intelligent transportation. The license plate recognition system includes license plate positioning, character segmentation, and character recognition. The purpose of license plate positioning is to determine the position of the license plate, facilitating the subsequent character segmentation and character recognition work. There are commonly used methods such as template matching, feature, and neural network methods. The design adopts a template matching algorithm and an artificial neural network algorithm for license plate positioning and recognition. This algorithm only identifies blue-white license plates for segmentation, and can be directly applied to black and white license plates. The segmented image pixel values and the template image are consistent, avoiding the problems caused by inconsistent pixel values. For other types of license plates, the license plate positioning algorithm needs to be adjusted, and the image needs to be reversed. Keywords: license plate recognition system; character segmentation; license plate positioning.
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