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The AZ-104.pdf document provides a comprehensive overview of the Microsoft Azure Administrator certification exam. The exam has a passing score of 800 and a time limit of 120 minutes. The document outlines the skills and knowledge required to successfully implement and manage storage on the Azure platform.
One of the key topics covered in the document is how to configure Azure Storage accounts and manage data stored within them. It provides scenarios and questions, such as configuring access to blobs within a storage account for different Azure services and applications. For example, there is a scenario involving an Azure Storage account named storage1, an Azure Service app named App1, and an app named App2 that runs in an Azure container instance, each using a managed identity. The question asks how to ensure that both App1 and App2 can read blobs from storage1.
This scenario requires understanding of configuring access permissions within Azure Storage accounts, as well as integrating managed identities with different Azure services. The solution could involve setting up shared access signatures or role-based access control to allow the applications to read blobs within the storage account. Additionally, proper network configurations and security settings may need to be implemented to ensure secure access to the storage resources.
Overall, the AZ-104.pdf document provides a detailed overview of the skills and knowledge required to effectively manage storage resources within Microsoft Azure. It covers topics such as configuring storage accounts, managing data, and implementing security measures to protect sensitive information. By studying the content of the document and practicing with the provided scenarios, candidates can prepare themselves for the AZ-104 exam and successfully demonstrate their proficiency as a Microsoft Azure Administrator.

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