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"Cloud Native Go: Building Reliable Services in Unreliable Environments" 《Cloud Native Go》是一本实践性书籍,旨在帮助读者了解如何利用Go编程语言的优势来开发可扩展且具有韧性的云原生服务。作者Matthew A. Titmus深入浅出地介绍了在不可预测环境中构建这些应用程序的方法,从Go语言的基础特性到中间设计模式,再到高层次的架构考虑。 书中首先探讨了Go语言在云原生技术中的重要角色,如Docker、Kubernetes和Prometheus等关键组件都是用Go语言编写的。这强调了Go语言对于构建云基础设施服务的适用性和效率。云原生(Cloud Native)概念的核心是构建能够适应不断变化环境的服务,而Go语言以其简洁、高效和并发能力出色的特点,成为了实现这一目标的理想选择。 接着,作者详细讲解了Go语言的基础特性,包括内存管理、goroutines(轻量级线程)、通道(channels)以及CSP(Communicating Sequential Processes)模型,这些都是实现高并发和分布式系统的关键。通过这些特性,开发者可以构建出能够有效利用硬件资源并实现高效通信的服务。 书中还深入讨论了云原生服务的中间设计模式,如微服务架构、服务发现、健康检查、负载均衡等。这些模式有助于确保服务的可伸缩性和容错性,使得即使在面临组件故障或网络不稳定时,系统仍能保持正常运行。 在高级架构方面,Titmus探讨了如何利用容器化(如Docker)和编排工具(如Kubernetes)来管理和部署云原生服务。他阐述了如何配置和操作Kubernetes集群,以及如何利用Prometheus这样的监控工具来收集和分析服务性能指标,从而实现有效的故障检测和预防。 此外,书中还包括了实际案例研究,展示了如何应用这些模式和工具解决工程师在日常工作中遇到的实际问题。这些案例可以帮助读者将理论知识转化为实践,提升在复杂云环境中的开发和运维能力。 《Cloud Native Go》是针对希望在云环境中构建可靠服务的Go程序员的一本宝贵资源。它不仅提供了理论指导,也提供了丰富的实践经验和实用技巧,帮助开发者在不可靠的环境中构建大规模、可靠的系统。无论你是云原生新手还是经验丰富的Go程序员,这本书都能提供有价值的见解和指导。
2017-01-11 上传
The Complete Guide to Building Cloud-Based Services Cloud Native Go shows developers how to build massive cloud applications that meet the insatiable demands of today’s customers, and will dynamically scale to handle virtually any volume of data, traffic, or users. Kevin Hoffman and Dan Nemeth describe the modern cloud-native application in detail, illuminating factors, disciplines, and habits associated with rapid, reliable cloud-native development. They also introduce Go, a “simply elegant” high-performance language that is especially well-suited for cloud development. You’ll walk through creating microservices in Go, adding front-end web components using ReactJS and Flux, and mastering advanced Go-based cloud-native techniques. Hoffman and Nemeth show how to build a continuous delivery pipeline with tools like Wercker, Docker, and Dockerhub; automatically push apps to leading platforms; and systematically monitor app performance in production. Learn “The Way of the Cloud”: why developing good cloud software is fundamentally about mindset and discipline Discover why Go is ideal for cloud-native microservices development Plan cloud apps that support continuous delivery and deployment Design service ecosystems, and then build them in a test-first manner Push work-in-progress to a cloud Use Event Sourcing and CQRS patterns to react and respond to enormous volume and throughput Secure cloud-based web applications: do’s, don’ts, and options Create reactive applications in the cloud with third-party messaging providers Build massive-scale, cloud-friendly GUIs with React and Flux Monitor dynamic scaling, failover, and fault tolerance in the cloud