ARM Cortex M4实战指南:实时应用开发秘籍

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"ARM Cortex M4 Cookbook 是一本实践性强的指南,包含50多个实战教程,旨在帮助读者利用GPIO、RS232、ADC、DAC、定时器、音频编解码器、图形LCD和触摸屏等技术开发出色的实时应用。本书由Mark Fisher博士撰写,覆盖了嵌入式系统开发中的关键领域,适用于ARM Cortex M4处理器平台。" 《ARM Cortex M4 Cookbook》是一本针对嵌入式系统的实用书籍,主要面向那些希望深入理解并利用ARM Cortex M4处理器进行高效实时应用程序开发的工程师和爱好者。Cortex M4是ARM公司的一款高性能、低功耗的微控制器核心,广泛应用于各种嵌入式应用,如物联网(IoT)设备、工业控制、消费电子产品等。 书中的"50个实战食谱"涵盖了以下关键知识点: 1. **GPIO(General Purpose Input/Output)**:讲解如何配置和操作GPIO引脚,实现设备的输入输出控制,这是嵌入式系统中基础但重要的部分。 2. **RS232通信**:介绍串行通信协议RS232,包括如何设置波特率、奇偶校验、数据位和停止位,以及如何建立和管理串行通信链路。 3. **ADC(Analog-to-Digital Converter)**:讲解如何使用ADC将模拟信号转换为数字信号,以便在数字系统中处理,这对于传感器数据的采集至关重要。 4. **DAC(Digital-to-Analog Converter)**:介绍如何通过DAC将数字信号转换为模拟信号,用于驱动模拟负载或产生连续波形。 5. **定时器**:讨论了定时器的配置和使用,包括周期性任务、脉冲发生、中断服务等,这些功能在实时系统中必不可少。 6. **音频编解码器**:涵盖音频信号的编码和解码,以及如何与硬件音频接口进行交互,实现音频处理功能。 7. **图形LCD**:讲解如何设计和显示图形用户界面,包括基本的像素操作、图像处理和文本渲染。 8. **触摸屏**:介绍如何集成和响应触摸事件,创建交互式的用户界面。 这本书不仅提供了理论知识,更强调实践操作,通过具体的代码示例和项目帮助读者巩固所学。作者Mark Fisher的经验和见解使得这本书成为掌握ARM Cortex M4处理器及其周边硬件应用的宝贵资源。 请注意,尽管书中尽力确保信息的准确性,但技术发展迅速,读者在实际应用时应结合最新的技术文档和库进行调整。此外,出版物中的商标信息可能有所遗漏或不准确,具体品牌和产品的商标权益应参考各自公司的官方声明。
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About This Book This book focuses on programming embedded systems using a practical approach Examples show how to use bitmapped graphics and manipulate digital audio to produce amazing games and other multimedia applications The recipes in this book are written using ARM's MDK Microcontroller Development Kit which is the most comprehensive and accessible development solution Who This Book Is For This book is aimed at those with an interest in designing and programming embedded systems. These could include electrical engineers or computer programmers who want to get started with microcontroller applications using the ARM Cortex M4 architecture in a short time frame. This book's recipes can also be used to support students learning embedded programming for the first time. Basic knowledge of programming using a high-level language is essential but those familiar with other high-level languages such as Python or Java should not have too much difficulty picking up the basics of embedded C programming. What You Will Learn Use ARM's uVision MDK to configure the microcontroller run time environment (RTE), create projects and compile, download, and run simple programs on an evaluation board Use and extend device family packs to configure I/O peripherals Develop multimedia applications using the touchscreen and audio codec beep generator Write multi-threaded programs using ARM's real-time operating system (RTOS) Write critical sections of code in assembly language and integrate these with functions written in C Fix problems using ARM's debugging tool to set breakpoints and examine variables Port uVision projects to other open source development environments In Detail Embedded microcontrollers are at the core of many everyday electronic devices. The so-called Internet of Things drives the market for such technology, so much so that embedded cores now represent 90% of all processors sold. The ARM® Cortex® M4 is one of the most powerful microcontrollers on the market. The book begins with an introduction to the ARM® Cortex® family and we cover the installation of the ARM® uVision Integrated Development Environment and topics such as target devices, evaluation boards, code configuration, and GPIO. You will then learn about core programming topics. You will find out about advanced aspects such as data conversion, multimedia support, real-time signal processing, and real-time embedded systems. By the end of the book, you will be able to successfully create robust and scalable ARM® Cortex® based applications. Table of Contents Chapter 1. A Practical Introduction to ARM® CORTEX® Chapter 2. C Language Programming Chapter 3. Programming I/O Chapter 4. Assembly Language Programming Chapter 5. Data Conversion Chapter 6. Multimedia Support Chapter 7. Real-Time Signal Processing Chapter 8. Real-Time Embedded Systems Chapter 9. Embedded Toolchain