242 D.T. Grasso, I.N. McArthur / Nuclear Physics B 926 (2018) 239–255
where Z
are bosonic central charges. This was based on solutions to the “descent
= db
= dδ
(where δ
denotes a supersymmetry variation with parameter
, and the second equation follows
from δ
= 0) in which b
and δ
were chosen to be invariant under spacetime
translations. More general solutions which are not invariant under spacetime translations lead to
additional fermionic topological charges in the algebra of Noether charges [20,22]. In the case
p = 1 (superstrings), the enlarged algebra is the Green algebra [1].
The same enlar
ged supersymmetry algebras involving additional bosonic and fermionic gen-
erators have also emerged via an alternative route. As was pointed out by Siegel in the case of the
superstring [7], and generalised to p-branes by others, it is possible to construct Wess–Zumino
Lagrangians that are manifestly invariant under spacetime supersymmetry transformations. The
form b
in standard superspace with coordinates (x, θ) cannot be chosen to be supersym-
metric (i.e. expressed in terms of left-invariant forms); however, by introducing an enlarged
superspace with additional coordinates, it is possible to introduce additional terms into the ac-
tion to make it supersymmetric. The enlarged superspace is related by a coset construction [12,
15] to the enlar
ged supersymmetry algebras that emerge via “quasi-invariance” and modified
Noether currents. Stated technically, h
belongs to a trivial Chevalley–Eilenberg cohomol-
ogy class for the enlarged superspace, in that it can be expressed as d(b
− dA
) where
the additional superspace p-form A
is chosen so that b
− dA
is invariant under su-
persymmetry transformations – and indeed can be expressed in terms of left-invariant forms on
the enlarged superspace. The additional left-invariant forms have been determined by a variety of
means by different authors, including using the concept of a free differential algebra [8,10,11,15]
and requiring that the left-invariant forms satisfy as consistent set of Maurer–Cartan equations
valent to the Jacobi identities of the corresponding algebra) [12,13]. The Jacobi identities
rely on the gamma matrix identities (2.9), (2.10) – the same identities required to ensure closure
of the superspace forms (2.8) giving rise to the Wess–Zumino terms.
The supersymmetry in
variant Wess–Zumino term is then of the form
− dA
). (2.18)
This still satisfies the requirements of a Wess–Zumino term, namely that d(b
− dA
) is
closed and supersymmetry invariant; the fact that the p-form A
appears as a total derivative
means that the degrees of freedom it contains (including the additional superspace coordinates)
do not contribute to the dynamics.
A similar issue is in
volved in the construction of D-brane actions. As originally formulated,
D-branes include a world-volume U(1) gauge field A whose field strength F = dA gives rise to
a Born–Infeld term in the action [29–32]; specifically,
S =
det (G
+ F
) + S
. (2.19)
As with p-branes, G
is the pullback to the world-volume of the spacetime metric. F is the
world-volume two-form F = F −σ
, where db
= h
is a supersymmetry invariant closed
superspace three-form given by (2.8) with p = 1. The Wess–Zumino term is again of the form
, (2.20)