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"《思考类型:2018》是一本专注于Haskell语言中类型编程的全面指南。作者Sandy Maguire旨在帮助读者从一个熟练的Haskell程序员提升到能够说服编译器执行更多工作的专家。本书的核心内容涵盖了类型编程的基础理论,如类型背后的代数原理,如同构性和基数,以及类型构造如联合、产品和指数类型的应用。通过实例如Tic-Tac-Toe游戏展示了如何将业务逻辑转化为类型检查,强调了类型错误的潜在好处。 第1章深入剖析了类型系统的基础,包括类型、箭头种类和约束种类的概念。数据种类(Data Kinds)的介绍让读者理解如何在类型层次上处理内置类型的推广,例如符号、自然数、列表和元组。类型级别的函数也被详细讨论,展示了如何在类型层面上进行操作。 章节2探讨了 variance,即类型变量在不同上下文中的行为,这对于理解函数签名和类型参数的重要性至关重要。书中的这一部分有助于读者理解如何处理类型作用域和类型应用的规则,以及如何处理可能的类型歧义和非唯一性问题。 第3章进一步探讨了如何与类型互动,特别是在处理类型限制和解构方面。类型作用域的控制以及类型应用的操作方法被详细阐述,这对于编写高效且可维护的代码至关重要。 章节4聚焦于类型约束和GADTs(Generalized Algebraic Data Types),这是类型系统中的关键特性。GADTs允许在类型定义中包含条件,这对于实现更为复杂的数据结构和验证机制非常有用。通过介绍GADTs的概念及其在实际项目中的应用,作者展示了如何利用这些工具提高代码的灵活性和表达力。 《思考类型:2018》为Haskell开发者提供了一个强大的工具箱,通过学习和实践书中的内容,读者不仅能掌握类型编程的技巧,还能学会如何利用类型系统来消除错误,优化代码,并实现更高级的抽象。这本书不仅适合有基础的Haskell程序员,也对希望深入理解类型理论和实践的读者极具价值。"
2019-07-04 上传
Thinking with Types started, as so many of my projects do, accidentally. I was unemployed, bored, and starting to get tired of answering the same questions over and over again in Haskell chat-rooms. And so I started a quick document, jotting down a bunch of type-level programming topics I thought it’d be fun to write blog posts about. This document rather quickly turned into an outline ofwhat those blog posts might look like, but as I was about to tease it apart into separate files I stopped myself. Why not turn it into a book instead? I approached some friends to see if anyone was interested in writing it with me. A few nibbles, but nobody had time they wanted to dedicate to such a thing. My excitement subsequently burned out, and the idea lay dormant on the back-burner for a few months. But I was still unemployed, and I was still bored, and I found myself slowly fleshing out chapters regardless. My enthusiasm for writing a book had died down, but I still felt the urge to write. A friend caught me writing one day, and dared me to publish what I had. I acquiesced. And so on July 8th, 2018, I posted a 37 page document to reddit, gauging if there was any interest from the community in such a book. To my continual surprise, there was. The response was about 100x bigger than I was expecting. Kind words and letters of support rolled in, many of whom promised to pay me in order to continue writing it. That was enough for me. I put together a Patreon, started selling early access to the book, and was off to the races. The promise was to publish weekly updates, which—combined with not wanting to commit fraud—kept me extremely motivated to get this book finished. It’s a powerful technique to stay focused, and I’d strongly recommend it to anyone who is better at starting projects than finishing them. It sounds cliche, but this book couldn’t have happened without the overwhelming support of the Haskell community. It’s particularly telling that every day I learn new things from them about this marvelous language, even after five years. Written with love by Sandy Maguire. 2018.