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"软考中级网络工程师-2004-2011历年真题及答案" 这篇资料主要涵盖了软考中级网络工程师这一考试领域的历年真题与答案解析,适用于备考者进行复习和自我测试。以下是根据题目内容提炼出的相关知识点: 1. 内存计算:内存的地址范围是从A4000H到CBFFFH,通过计算CBFFFH - A4000H + 1得到内存的总字节数。这涉及到十六进制的加法和转换,以及字节的计算。问题中给出了每个存储芯片的容量是32K×8bit,需要计算出至少需要多少片这样的芯片来构成所述内存。答案是160K字节对应5片32K×8bit的存储芯片。 2. 中断响应时间:中断响应时间是指从系统接收到中断请求到开始处理中断所花费的时间。这个知识点强调了中断处理过程中的中断响应阶段,是计算机系统中处理硬件事件的关键时间点。 3. 指令流水线:这里讨论的是指令执行的时间计算,涉及到了指令的取指、分析和执行三个阶段。如果每个阶段的时间已知,计算100条指令执行的总时间需要将每个阶段的时间乘以指令数量,再加上最后一个指令的额外时间(通常最后一个指令不需要等待新的指令)。在这个例子中,100条指令的执行时间是203ns。 4. SIMD(Single Instruction Multiple Data)计算机:SIMD是一种并行处理技术,其中多个处理单元在同一时间执行同一条指令,但处理不同的数据。这在处理大量相同操作的数据流时非常有效,如图像处理或科学计算。 5. 磁盘数据写入:在硬盘存储中,单个磁头通常是串行方式写入数据,即一次写入一个字节或一个数据块,而不是并行写入多个。 6. Cache和主存映射:这里提到了Cache的组织结构,采用组相联方式映射。Cache容量为64块,字块大小为128个字,每4块为一组。要确定主存地址和主存区号的位数,需要根据主存容量和Cache的配置进行计算。主存地址位数通常包括Cache组号、块内地址和主存区号等部分,而主存区号则取决于Cache的组数。在这个例子中,没有给出足够的信息来精确计算位数,但这个问题突出了理解内存层次结构和地址映射的重要性。 这些知识点反映了软考中级网络工程师考试中可能涉及的计算机体系结构、内存管理、中断处理、并行计算和存储技术等多个方面。考生需要对这些基本概念有深入的理解,并能够应用到实际问题中去。
2018-07-22 上传
Six-Step Relational Database DesignTM bridges the gaps between database theory, database modeling, and database implementation by outlining a simple but reliable six-step process for accurately modeling user data on a Crow's Foot Relational Model Diagram, and then demonstrating how to implement this model on any relational database management system. The second edition contains a new chapter on implementation that goes through the steps necessary to implement each of the case studies on a relational database management system, clearly relating the design to implementation and database theory. In addition, questions are also included at the end of each of the six steps and one of the previous case studies has been replaced, making the case study selection more diverse. Six-Step Relational Database DesignTM uses three case studies and starts with a statement of the problem by the client and then goes through the six steps necessary to create a reliable and accurate data model of the client's business requirements. This model can then be used to implement the database on any relational database management system. Six-Step Relational Database DesignTM should be used as a handbook for students and professionals in the software-development field. The technique described in this book can be used by students for quickly developing relational databases for their applications, and by professionals for developing sturdy, reliable, and accurate relational database models for their software applications.