Journal of Communications and Information Networks, Vol.3, No.1, Mar. 2018
DOI: 10.1007/s41650-018-0001-x Review paper
A Review of Wideband Wide-Angle Scanning
2-D Phased Array and Its Applications
in Satellite Communication
Yan Li, Shaoqiu Xiao, Jiajia Guo
Abstract—In this review, research progress on the
wideband wide-angle scanning two-dimensional phased
arrays is summarized. The importance of the wideband
and the wide-angle scanning characteristics for satellite
communication is discussed. Issues like grating lobe
avoidance, active reflection coefficient suppression and
gain fluctuation reduction are emphasized in this review.
Besides, techniques to address these issues and methods
to realize the wideband wide-angle scanning phased array
are reviewed.
Keywords—wideband, wide-angle scanning, two-
dimensional phased array, satellite communication
s an important part of modern wireless communication
systems, satellite communication has already been pop-
ular in the daily life of mankind and military
. As shown in
Fig. 1
, the direct broadcast satellite, which mainly works
on downlink beams, could offer audio and video services for
users. The fixed satellite service (FSS) can be used for radio
communication in domestic or some specific regions. Some
other satellites could serve mobile devices, personal commu-
nication, inter satellite communication, etc
. With the ex-
tension of its applications, the satellite is required to establish
the wireless link with excellent performances, such as multi-
functionality, high data rate, high channel capacity and wide
angle coverage.
Antenna is an indispensable part of a satellite system and
has a significant influence on system performance. In order
to gain multi-functionality, high channel capacity and a high
Manuscript received Dec. 15, 2017; accepted Feb. 7, 2018.
Y. Li, S. Q. Xiao, J. J. Guo. School of Physical Electronics, University of
Electronic Science and Technology of China, Chengdu 610054, China.
This work is supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of
China (Nos. 61731005, 61331007), the Outstanding Youth Foundation of
Sichuan Province (No. 2015JQ0011).
data rate, a wideband antenna is essential. The overall sys-
tem cost can be reduced if the antenna simultaneously oper-
ates at multiple bands and supports multiple satellite commu-
nications. Furthermore, a large covering range requires the
antenna on satellites to scan its beam in a wide-angle region
with stable gain. In previous satellite communication systems,
reflector antennas and lens antennas are usually adopted. To
cover a wide region, the reflector and lens antennas usually
need auxiliary mechanical equipment. In addition, it is diffi-
cult to design them to realize multiple beams, adaptive nulling
and a planar structure. As a payload, they occupy consider-
able space, and cause high implementation costs in some sit-
uations. Therefore, a light weight low profile antenna with
wide bandwidth and wide angle scanning ability is preferable
for the rising demands of the satellite communication systems.
The two-dimensional (2-D) phased array is one of the most
promising potential options.
direct broadcast satellite
domestic satellite (FSS)
communication link
(uplink and downlink)
Figure 1 Illustration of the communication links using spacecraft and
ground antennas
In this review, challenges that the wideband wide-angle
scanning 2-D phased array faces are introduced firstly. Then
some general techniques to address these challenges and im-
prove the performances of the wideband and wide-angle scan-
ning phased array are summarized. Finally, the application
and advantages of the wideband wide-angle scanning 2-D
phased array for satellite communication are discussed.