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在信息高度发达的网络时代,精品课程网站建设在学校教学工作中,起到了举足轻重的作用。它增强学生和学校的互动性,加强学生和老师的沟通以及学生之间的交流和探讨,给老师和学生提供一个教与学交流、共享资源的平台。本系统就是基于这样的原则,构建了《数据库原理与应用》课程网站。系统以 Html 语言为依托,使用小旋风作为服务器,采用 Flash、CSS 样式美化页面。系统共分为 12 大模块,实现了在线浏览、资源下载等功能。论文首先介绍了课程网站建设的现状和意义;然后对网站进行了可行性分析和需求分析,并介绍了课程网站所实现的功能;在对网站进行详细分析后,依次对各模块的具体设计作了一个简单的阐述;通过测试分析,该系统运行稳定可靠;最后对系统进行了总结和展望。【关键词】课程网站;HTML;Flash;CSS Abstract In the highly developed information network era, the construction of high-quality curriculum websites plays a pivotal role in school teaching. It enhances the interaction between students and the school, strengthens communication between students and teachers, and provides a platform for teaching and learning exchanges and resource sharing. Based on these principles, this system has built a "Database Principles and Applications" course website. The system is based on HTML language, using a small whirlwind as a server, and employs Flash and CSS to beautify the pages. The system is divided into 12 major modules, implementing functions such as online browsing and resource downloads. The thesis first introduces the current situation and significance of curriculum website construction; then conducts feasibility analysis and needs analysis of the website, and introduces the functions implemented by the curriculum website; after a detailed analysis of the website, a brief description is given for the specific design of each module; through testing and analysis, the system runs stably and reliably; finally, the thesis concludes with a summary and outlook for the system. [Keywords] curriculum website; HTML; Flash; CSS 根据上述信息,这篇学位论文探讨了在信息发达的网络时代中,精品课程网站的建设对学校教学工作的重要性。该论文首先介绍了建设课程网站的现状和意义,强调了课程网站在加强学校教学的互动性、优化学生学习体验等方面的价值。接着,论文进行了可行性分析和需求分析,介绍了课程网站实现的各种功能,为读者提供了一个对该课程网站的全面了解。此外,论文还对网站的具体设计进行了分析,并对系统进行了测试,结果显示系统的运行稳定可靠。最后,论文对课程网站的建设进行了总结和展望,为日后的课程网站建设提供了有益的参考。综合来看,该学位论文系统地、全面地阐述了课程网站的设计与实现,对于学校教学工作的发展具有一定的实用意义。