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《Assembly编程与计算机体系结构:面向软件工程师》是一本由Brian R. Hall和Kevin J. Sloua合著的教材,旨在为软件开发人员介绍低级编程语言——汇编语言的基础及其在计算机体系结构中的应用。该书共分为12章,内容涵盖了从语言和数据基础知识、处理器与系统架构到高级主题,如链接、调试和其他体系结构。 第1章,"Language and Data Fundamentals",着重于介绍汇编语言的基本概念,如指令集、数据类型和存储模式,帮助读者理解底层数据操作原理。章节中可能包括对机器码和内存模型的解释。 在第2章,"Processor and System Architecture",作者深入探讨了处理器的工作原理,包括指令执行过程、流水线、内存层次结构等,并通过补充章节探讨程序加载机制,使读者了解如何将汇编代码转化为可执行程序。 第3章至第10章,分别是"Assembly and Syntax Fundamentals"(汇编语法基础)、"Basic Instructions"(基本指令集)、"Intermediate Instructions"(中级指令)、"Functions"(函数)、"Examples of x86_64 Assembly for the Sum Program"(x86_64汇编示例,例如一个求和程序)、"String Instructions & Structures"(字符串指令与结构)、"Floating-Point Operations"(浮点运算)、"Comparative MASM and NASM versions of the GAS programs"(MASM和NASM两种工具的比较)以及"Advanced Processor and System Architecture"(高级处理器和系统架构)。这些章节涵盖了汇编语言的核心元素和复杂操作。 第9章"Inline Assembly and Macros",介绍了内联汇编和宏,这是高级程序员在性能优化和系统级编程时常用的技术。这章会讲解如何在高级语言中嵌入汇编代码,以及宏的定义和使用。 第10章的补充部分可能包含针对特定处理器的高级特性或更复杂的系统设计讨论。 最后,第11章转向其他体系结构的介绍,让读者了解不同架构间的差异和迁移策略。而第12章则进一步探讨硬件和电气组件,为那些对计算机内部工作原理感兴趣的读者提供深度剖析。 附录部分包括了详细的翻译指南、环境设置说明、反汇编技术、命令行调试、汇编与C++的结合、函数和堆栈管理、CPUID指令利用、ASCII和十进制算术,以及汇编语言的内建函数等实用工具和技巧。 《Assembly Programming and Computer Architecture for Software Engineers》是一本全面且实用的教材,适合软件工程师提升底层编程能力,理解计算机硬件和操作系统底层交互。


A Revised and Updated Edition of the Authoritative Text This revised and updated Third Edition of the classic text guides students through assembly language using a hands-on approach, supporting future computing professionals with the basics they need to understand the mechanics and function of the computer’s inner workings. Through using real instruction sets to write real assembly language programs, students will become acquainted with the basics of computer architecture. 80×86 Assembly Language and Computer Architecture covers the Intel 80×86 using the powerful tools provided by Microsoft Visual Studio, including its 32- and 64-bit assemblers, its versatile debugger, and its ability to link assembly language and C/C++ program segments. The text also includes multiple examples of how individual 80×86 instructions execute, as well as complete programs using these instructions. Hands-on exercises reinforce key concepts and problem-solving skills. Updated to be compatible with Visual Studio 2012, and incorporating over a hundred new exercises, 80×86 Assembly Language and Computer Architecture: Third Edition is accessible and clear enough for beginning students while providing coverage of a rich set of 80×86 instructions and their use in simple assembly language programs. The text will prepare students to program effectively at any level. Key features of the fully revised and updated Third Edition include: Updated to be used with Visual Studio 2012, while remaining compatible with earlier versions Over 100 new exercises and programming exercises Improved, clearer layout with easy-to-read illustrations The same clear and accessibly writing style as previous editions Full suite of ancillary materials, including PowerPoint lecture outlines, Test Bank, and answer keys Suitable as a stand-alone text in an assembly language course or as a supplement in a computer architecture course
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