176 B. McInnes / Nuclear Physics B 911 (2016) 173–190
black holes with event horizons which (prior to the introduction of angular momentum) have
the local geometry of a sphere, and, second, black holes with event horizons which (prior to the
introduction of angular momentum) have the local geometry of a flat plane.
It turns out, ve
ry remarkably, that this classification precisely reflects the two basic ways
[19] in which angular momentum is manifested in the QGP in the aftermath of a heavy-ion
collision: as local rotation (vorticity) [20–25], or as a shearing motion [16–18,26]. (The two are
not mutually exclusive, and in fact in a real plasma the tw
o forms would co-exist, but for clarity
we treat them separately.) Here we are concerned with local rotation or vorticity, and one finds
that this corresponds to the case of asymptotically AdS black holes with topologically spherical
event horizons: that is, to the simplest extension of the asymptotically flat dyonic K
metric to the AdS context. Even this “simplest” generalisation can give rise to surprises, however.
We are interested in studying the temperature of the plasma and its baryonic chemical poten-
tial. The quantity which is holographically dual to the temperature of the QGP is of course the
wking temperature of the bulk black hole, which depends both on its electromagnetic charges
and on its angular momentum. As we will see, the dual of the baryonic chemical potential is also
a certain combination of the char
ges and the angular momentum parameter. In this very general
sense, holography indicates that there must indeed be some kind of analogy between local rota-
tion and a magnetic field in the dual plasma. Notice that an observ
ation which is immediate on
one side of the duality is far from it on the other: this is the point of holography.
These considerations allo
w us to formulate the analogy in a concrete way; so we can begin to
answer some basic questions. Does local rotation always change the temperature and chemical
potential in the same direction as does a magnetic field—that is, does it always reinforce the
magnetic effect or sometimes tend to counteract it?
Which of the two effects is dominant? Do
local rotation and magnetism modify the shape of the phase transition line, and, if so, how do the
two effects compare?
In f
act, the problem of understanding the behaviour of the temperature and chemical potential
corresponding to a dyonic, topologically spherical AdS black hole is not straightforward: for two
reasons. First, unlike the parameters of an asymptotically flat black hole, the geometric param-
eters of a rotating AdS black hole are not related in an
y simple way to its physical properties.
For example, the mass parameter M is not the physical mass of the black hole (see equations (3)
below). Second, holography does not relate the boundary parameters to the physical parameters
of the black hole in as simple a way as in the non-rotating, non-magnetic case: for e
xample, the
baryonic chemical potential of the boundary theory is not proportional to the electric charge on
the black hole here (see equation (14) below), as it is in the familiar case of the dyonic AdS–
Reissner–Nordström black hole.
In short, the answers to our questions are unclear: the
y can only be settled by means of a de-
tailed investigation, which we propose to carry out here. We stress that the holographic model of
these extremely complex systems may well be severely over-simplified, so that accurate numer-
ical predictions are not to be e
xpected here. Our emphasis is on more qualitative questions. The
answers to these questions may guide more quantitative investigations of these basic properties
of the QGP.
In fact, in the case of shearing angular momentum, it was found in [54] that unexpected behaviour does occur in some
cases: it can happen that increasing the shearing angular momentum has the opposite effect to that of a large magnetic
field (though never enough to counteract the latter entirely—in this sense, shearing angular momentum has a “weaker”
effect than magnetism).