Electro-optically Q-switched high-repetition-rate
1.73 μm optical parametric oscillator
Qianhuan Yu (喻乾桓)
, Mingjian Wang (王明建)
*, and Weibiao Chen (陈卫标)
Key Laboratory of Space Laser Communication and Detection Technology, Shanghai Institute of Optics and
Fine Mechanics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Shanghai 201800, China
University of Chinese Academy of Science, Beijing 100049, China
*Corresponding author: wmjian@siom.ac.cn; **corresponding author: wbchen@mail.shcnc.ac.cn
Received February 11, 2015; accepted May 15, 2015; posted online July 7, 2015
We demonstrate a potassium titanyl phosphate-based optical parametric oscillator (OPO) emitting at 1729 nm.
A maximum output power of 1.56 W at 1729.4 nm is obtained with an original fundamental laser power of
5.48 W. The pulse with a pulse duration of 11.22 ns exceeds 3 mJ at a 500 Hz repetition rate. To our knowledge
this is the highest energy output of an OPO laser emitting around 1.73 μm operating at a 100 Hz order of mag-
nitude. This laser is primarily used for bond-selective imaging of deep tissue, a promising way for diagnosing
vulnerable plaques in live patients.
OCIS codes: 140.3070, 140.3538, 140.3580, 190.4970.
doi: 10.3788/COL201513.081406.
The generation of lasers radiating in the infrared has
attracted great interest for their important applications
in medical diagnostics, food and agrochemical quality con-
trol, neuroimaging, etc.
. Recent research reveals the
existence of an optical window between 1600 and
1850 nm that makes it promising for deep tissue imaging.
In this optical window lasers radiating around 1730 nm
play an important role for intravascular photoacoustic
imaging, a well-established, hybrid, and most promising
candidate for noninvasive measurement techniques
High repetition rate nanosecond lasers around 1730 nm
currently are applied to this technique. However, this im-
aging technique has been stifled by its slow imaging speed,
which mainly depends on the repetition rate of the pulse
As higher pulse repetition will make the imaging system
work faster, this tissue imaging technique calls for a laser
emitting around 1730 nm with a high pulse repetition rate.
Traditionally it is possible to obtain a laser emitting at
1730 nm directly by pumping an Er:YLF crystal
Doroshenko et al. have already adopted a flashlamp-
pumped Er:YLF laser with a quasi-continuous output
of more than 800 mJ
. Barnes et al. have reported a
Q-switched Er:YLF laser with a pulse energy of 25 mJ
pumped by a flashlamp. The repetition of the pulse in
the system is limited to 5 Hz. The short wavelength pump
bands of Er:YLF cannot match the commercial laser diode
(LD) emitting waveband, so it is not possible to pump the
crystal with a LD
. This leads to low power conversion
efficiency. Moreover, higher repetition rates bring a seri-
ous thermal effect while pumped by a Xe flashlamp. Being
pumped by a flashlamp also leads to low power conversion
efficiency. Therefore, it is intractable to obtain a laser
emitting around 1730 nm at a high repetition rate by
using an Er:YLF crystal.
Another way to obtain a 1.73 μm laser is with an optical
parametric oscillator (OPO). In the past few years interest
in efficient eye-safe lasers has stimulated the development
of OPOs
. Since 1995, quasi-phase-matching (QPM)
schemes were also popularly used to obtain infrared laser
. This inspired us to make an OPO matching
the demand. Many tunable OPOs already have a tuning
range including 1730 nm. In 2005, Peng et al. reported a
high-repetition-rate tunable OPO with a wide tuning
range from 1650 to 2100 nm
. Only about 1.5 mJ can
be obtained at 1730 nm. Even some commercial OPO
enterprises such as OPOTEK also have several tunable
products with a tuning range including 1730 nm. How-
ever, either their tunable product operating repetition rate
stays in a ten hertz order of magnitude, such as Opolette
532, or the output energy of their products is not strong
enough for an imaging system such as Opolette HR.
Consequently, these products cannot solve the problem
of accelerating the imaging speed. In order to solve the
problem, a high-power laser working at a high repetition
rate emitting around 1.73 μm needs to be developed.
Here, a potassium titanyl phosphate (KTP)-OPO
driven by a diode-end-pumped Nd:YAG laser emitting
at around 1.73 μm is demonstrated for the first time to
our knowledge. Under a pumping laser power of 5.48 W
and repetition rate of 500 Hz, a maximum average output
power of 1.56 W at 1729.4 nm was obtained, correspond-
ing to an optical-optical conversion efficiency of 28.5%
from an original fundamental laser to a signal laser. A
pulse energy of more than 3 mJ at 500 Hz with a pulse
duration of 11.22 ns was obtained. The output pulse
energy fluctuation supervised by a power meter of
1.73 μm was less than 0.5% during the 2 h operating
A schematic diagram of the experimental setup is
depicted in Fig.
1. Two fiber-coupled LDs with a 30 W
maximum output power emitting at 808 nm were used
as the pump source. The fiber core diameter was
COL 13(8), 081406(2015) CHINESE OPTICS LETTERS August 10, 2015
1671-7694/2015/081406(4) 081406-1 © 2015 Chinese Optics Letters