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igent online exam information management system that uses cross-platform JAVA technology in terms of language, popular MVC architecture in framework architecture, and Spring's IOC concept and ORM technology in business architecture. The system mainly focuses on enabling students to take exams and assessments online, as well as allowing teachers to manage and maintain student exam information.
The system management function module designed in this paper adopts a multi-user multi-role management mechanism, ensuring that different users are able to operate within their own permission scope after logging into the system. The system function management module mainly consists of user management sub-module, role management sub-module, role setting management sub-module, permission management sub-module, system menu management sub-module, log management sub-module, and user login verification sub-module. By various settings of system functions, the system enables role setting and role assignment for users at all levels, limits and records the functional operations of users in the system, and reflects the flexibility of system permission settings and the security of data operations.
Keywords: user; role; permission; multi-user multi-role management
In conclusion, the design and development of the function management module in the SMART System is crucial for ensuring the efficient and secure operation of the online exam information management system. By implementing a multi-user multi-role management mechanism and various sub-modules within the system management function module, the system is able to provide flexibility in permission settings, data security, and user operation restrictions. This module plays a vital role in organizing and managing user roles, permissions, and system functions, ultimately enhancing the overall performance and usability of the SMART System.
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