
Linear quadratic optimal control is a powerful method for designing optimal control systems. In this research paper, we focus on the implementation of linear quadratic optimal control using MATLAB, specifically through a GUI control interface. This interface offers a user-friendly experience, making it easier for users to interact with the control system.
Linear quadratic optimal control, also known as LQ optimal control, is commonly used for regulating the states of infinite time-varying systems. This paper explores four different research areas related to linear quadratic optimal control: continuous system implementation, discrete system implementation, optimal observer design, and Gaussian optimal control implementation in MATLAB.
Each of these research areas is approached with a unique set of performance criteria in mind, which guides the design of the GUI interface and the implementation of the corresponding control algorithms. By examining these different aspects of linear quadratic optimal control, we are able to gain a comprehensive understanding of its applications and limitations.
Key topics covered in this research include the use of GUI control interfaces, optimal observer design, and Gaussian optimal control. By studying these areas, we can better understand the practical implications of linear quadratic optimal control in real-world control systems.
Overall, this research provides valuable insights into the implementation of linear quadratic optimal control in MATLAB, showcasing its versatility and effectiveness in a variety of control system scenarios. By utilizing the GUI interface, users can easily interact with and optimize the performance of their control systems, ultimately leading to more efficient and reliable control processes.
Keywords: Linear quadratic, optimal control, GUI control interface, optimal observer, Gaussian optimal control.
2022-11-28 上传
199 浏览量
113 浏览量
2021-11-02 上传
150 浏览量

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