使用Spring框架实现Java EE模式的最佳实践与设计策略

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"Pro.Java.EE.Spring.Patterns" 是一本关于使用Spring框架实现Java EE模式的最佳实践和设计策略的书籍。作者Dhrubojyoti Kayal深入探讨了如何结合Spring框架来有效地应用Java企业版(Java EE)的设计模式。 本书旨在帮助读者理解和实施一系列Java EE模式,包括但不限于企业应用架构、服务定位器、数据访问对象、模型-视图-控制器(MVC)、前端控制器、服务代理、业务抽象、事务管理等。通过Spring框架,这些模式能够被更灵活且高效地应用到实际项目中。 Spring框架是Java开发中的一个关键工具,它提供了一个全面的编程和配置模型,使得开发者可以更专注于业务逻辑,而不是基础设施。书中可能涵盖了以下内容: 1. **依赖注入**:Spring的核心特性之一,它允许组件之间的依赖关系在运行时被管理,而不是硬编码在类内部,从而提高了代码的可测试性和可维护性。 2. **AOP(面向切面编程)**:Spring支持在应用程序的多个点进行拦截和增强功能,如事务管理、日志记录等,这有助于保持代码的整洁和模块化。 3. **数据访问集成**:Spring提供了对各种数据库的集成,包括JDBC、ORM框架(如Hibernate和MyBatis),简化了数据访问层的开发。 4. **MVC框架**:Spring MVC是构建Web应用的常用工具,它提供了模型、视图和控制器的分离,便于开发和测试。 5. **企业服务**:Spring还支持对企业级服务的集成,如JMS、JTA、EJB等,使开发者能够利用Java EE平台的强大功能。 6. **测试支持**:Spring提供了丰富的测试工具和API,方便进行单元测试和集成测试,确保代码质量。 7. **设计模式的应用**:书中会详细解释如何在Spring环境中应用如单例、工厂、装饰者、观察者、策略、代理等经典设计模式。 8. **最佳实践和案例研究**:书中可能会包含许多实际项目中的例子和最佳实践,帮助读者理解如何在实际场景中优化和改进设计。 通过阅读这本书,开发者不仅可以学习到如何利用Spring框架来提升Java EE应用的开发效率,还能掌握如何结合设计模式来构建更健壮、可扩展和易于维护的系统。书中提供的指导和策略将对提升开发者在企业级Java应用开发中的专业技能大有裨益。
2018-10-30 上传
amazon 3星+ 好评 Build a powerful, stable, and automated test suite using Selenium WebDriver About This Book Keep up with the changing pace of your web application by creating an agile test suite Save time and money by making your Selenium tests 99% reliable Improve the stability of your test suite and your programing skills by following a step-by-step continuous improvement tutorial Who This Book Is For Whether you are an experienced WebDriver developer or someone who was newly assigned a task to create automated tests, this book is for you. Since the ideas and concepts are described in simple terms, no previous experience in computer coding or programming is required. What You Will Learn Control Selenium WebDriver within any major programing language such as Java, Ruby, Python, and .NET Learn how to implement a simple test script or a complex Page Objects framework Set up each test to automatically deal with AJAX and jQuery Remove test instabilities by blocking third-party services Deal with data uncertainties by using fixtures, JSON APIs, and API stubbing Improve your test suite continuously by refactoring code and using the DRY principle Stabilize your tests by using patterns such as the Action Wrapper and Black Hole Proxy patterns In Detail Selenium WebDriver is a global leader in automated web testing. It empowers users to perform complex testing scenarios with its simple and powerful interface. This guide will provide you with all the skills you need to successfully create a functional Selenium test suite. Starting from the very beginning of the Selenium IDE, this book will show you how to transition into a real programing language such as Ruby or Java. You will quickly learn how to improve your code quality with refactoring and the skills needed to plan for the future development of your website to future-proof your test suite. With ample test examples running against a life-like e-commerce store and detailed step-by-step code review and explanations, you will be ready to test any challenge web developers might throw your way. This book is intended for anyone who wants to create a test suite that is easy to maintain by expanding your knowledge until you feel truly confident and comfortable with Selenium.