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Four-wheel drive vehicles have evolved significantly over time, initially focused solely on improving traction by engaging all four wheels in challenging terrain or distributing power to multiple wheels to enhance off-road capabilities. However, more recently, high-performance cars have also begun to incorporate four-wheel drive systems to enhance driving dynamics, steering responsiveness, and braking performance.
To meet these evolving demands, four-wheel drive systems now utilize a range of components such as differentials, transfer cases, and limited-slip devices to automatically or in response to driver input, control engine power and braking forces to optimize torque distribution between the front and rear wheels while minimizing power losses.
The concept of a four-wheel drive vehicle involves transmitting engine power to all four wheels to drive and propel the vehicle forward. The history of four-wheel drive vehicles dates back to the early days when automobiles were first developed, aiming to achieve the mobility of a horse-drawn carriage.
Overall, the introduction and evolution of four-wheel drive systems have not only enhanced traction and off-road capabilities but have also significantly improved the overall driving performance, handling, and safety of vehicles. By intelligently distributing power and torque to each wheel, these systems have revolutionized the way vehicles navigate various terrains and deliver a superior driving experience to the driver. 22.04.2022 Jilin University.
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