NIST SP800-131A:加密算法与密钥长度过渡指南

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"NIST SP800-131Ar1.pdf 是美国国家标准与技术研究所(NIST)发布的一份关于密码学密钥管理的推荐文档,旨在为联邦政府机构提供敏感但非机密信息保护的加密算法和密钥长度过渡的详细指导。这份修订版1的指南补充了NIST SP 800-57的部分内容,后者提供了通用的密钥管理指导。NIST SP800-131A重点关注算法和密钥长度的使用,而模块验证则在SP 800-131B中处理。该文档中的日期可能与2005年版本的SP 800-57中的有所不同,修订后的日期考虑了有序过渡的实际需求和风险评估。对于某些算法和密钥长度,没有提供明确的截止日期,这些信息可以在SP 800-57中找到。" 本文件详细阐述了NIST针对联邦政府在处理敏感但非机密信息时,如何逐步淘汰旧的加密算法和密钥长度,以及采用新的、更安全的替代方案的策略。它涵盖了以下几个关键知识点: 1. 密钥管理:NIST强调了制定和实施适当的密钥管理程序的重要性,这些程序应确保算法能够充分保护信息,并考虑到未来可能出现的算法破解或计算能力增强的情况。 2. 过渡策略:文档提出了从一种算法或密钥长度向另一种过渡的通用方法。这一部分详细描述了如何在不影响系统安全性的前提下,平稳地进行算法和密钥长度的更换。 3. 加密算法和密钥长度:NIST推荐了特定的加密算法和密钥长度,这些推荐可能随着时间和技术发展而更新。文件中可能没有给出所有算法和密钥长度的截止日期,但用户需要参考SP 800-57获取这些信息。 4. 风险评估:NIST根据对风险的更好理解,调整了原计划的过渡日期,以应对实际操作中可能出现的问题,确保过渡过程既有序又安全。 5. 法规依据:NIST开发这份指南是根据《联邦信息安全管理法案》(FISMA)的要求,以确保联邦机构的信息安全符合法定标准。 6. 模块验证:NIST SP 800-131B专门处理利用这些算法和密钥长度的加密模块的验证,确保它们符合安全标准。 NIST SP800-131Ar1是联邦政府机构和其他组织在进行加密算法和密钥长度更新时的重要参考,它提供了全面的过渡规划和风险管理指导,以保障敏感信息的安全。这份文档不仅关注技术层面的变更,还注重政策和法规的合规性,是密码学领域中不可或缺的参考资料。
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At the beginning of the 21st century, the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) began the task of providing cryptographic key management guidance. This included lessons learned over many years of dealing with key management issues, and is intended to encourage the definition and implementation of appropriate key management procedures, to use algorithms that adequately protect sensitive information, and to plan ahead for possible changes in the use of cryptography because of algorithm breaks or the availability of more powerful computing techniques. General key management guidance, including the general approach for transitioning from one algorithm or key length to another, is addressed in Part 1 of Special Publication (SP) 800-57 [SP 800-57]. This Recommendation (SP 800-131A) is intended to provide more detail about the transitions associated with the use of cryptography by Federal government agencies for the protection of sensitive, but unclassified information. The Recommendation addresses the use of algorithms and key lengths; the validation of cryptographic modules that utilize them is provided in [SP 800-131B]. The dates provided in SP 800-131A may differ from the dates originally provided in the 2005 version of [SP 800-57]. The revised dates provided herein attempt to deal with the realities associated with an orderly transition and are based on a better understanding of the risks associated with extending the dates in those cases where this was done. Note that an upper-date limit is not provided herein for many of the algorithms and key lengths discussed; that information is provided in [SP 800-57], and should be considered valid unless different guidance is provided in the future.