苹果2.0C认证芯片手册:iPod Authentication Coprocessor

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"苹果设备认证芯片2.0C是苹果公司发布的针对苹果附件开发的重要手册,主要用于确保附件设备与苹果产品的兼容性和安全性。这个2.0C版本是2011年6月22日发布的技术规范,适用于iPod Authentication Coprocessor。手册详细阐述了认证芯片的工作原理、接口规范、安全协议以及使用限制,旨在帮助开发者遵循苹果的严格标准,以创建与苹果设备无缝对接的配件产品。" 苹果设备认证芯片2.0C是苹果附件开发的关键技术之一,它主要负责验证并授权与苹果设备连接的外部配件。这个芯片扮演着安全网关的角色,确保只有经过苹果官方认证的设备才能与iPhone、iPad、iPod等设备进行数据交换和功能交互,从而防止未经授权的硬件可能带来的安全风险。 在描述中提到的"Specification Release R1"指的是该认证芯片的特定版本或修订版,R1可能是Release 1的缩写,意味着这是该规范的第一个正式发布版本。这个版本包含了对芯片功能、通信协议和认证流程的详细定义。 苹果对于其知识产权的保护非常严格,手册中明确指出,未经许可,任何个人或组织不得复制、存储、传播此文档内容,除非是用于个人学习目的,并且打印的副本必须保留苹果的版权信息。同时,使用苹果的商标,如"keyboard"苹果标志(Option-Shift-K),在没有得到苹果公司明确同意的情况下用于商业目的,可能会构成商标侵权和不公平竞争,违反联邦和州法律。 此外,尽管提供了这份文档,但苹果并未授予任何关于描述技术的明示或暗示的许可证。这意味着开发者不能自行解读这些技术细节来开发未经许可的产品。所有与技术相关的知识产权均归苹果所有。这份文档的主要目的是协助应用程序开发者按照苹果的指南来设计和开发兼容苹果设备的配件,确保其符合苹果的高品质标准和用户体验。 苹果设备认证芯片2.0C手册是苹果附件开发者的重要参考资料,它详细介绍了认证过程、安全措施和使用规范,对于那些希望与苹果生态系统无缝集成的硬件制造商来说,是必不可少的学习材料。开发者必须严格遵循手册中的规定,以确保他们的产品能够顺利通过苹果的MFi(Made for iPhone/iPod/iPad)认证,进入广阔的苹果配件市场。
2021-05-30 上传
iPod+Authentication+Coprocessor+Spec+2.0C+R1Contents Chapter 1 Introduction 7 Overview 7 Authentication protocol 7 Terminology Used in This Document 8 General Specification Terms 9 s Related documents 9 Chapter 2 Signal Descriptions and Reference Circuit 11 CP Signals and Pinouts 11 Address selection 12 Reference circuit 12 Chapter 3 Hardware Configuration and Interface 13 System Voltage/ 13 Startup of the 12C Interface/13 Starting Up the cp by turning power on /13 Starting Up the Cp by Warm Reset 14 Communication Process15/ Low-Power Sleep Mode-16 Chapter 4 Coprocessor Registers 17 Register Addresses 17 Register Descriptions 19 Device version 19 Firmware version 19 Authentication Protocol Major and Minor Versions 20 Device iD 20 Error Code 20 Authentication Control and status 21 Signature Data Length 22 Signature Data 22 hallenge Data Length 23 Challenge data 23 Accessory Certificate Data Length 23 Accessory Certificate Data 23 Self- Test Control and status 23 System Event Counter 24 Apple Device Certificate Data Lengt 3 2011-06-22 I @2011 Apple Inc. All Rights Reserved. CONTENTS Apple device certificate data 25 Chapter 5 Authentication Data flows 27 Apple Device Authentication of Accessory 27 Accessory Authentication of the Apple Device 28 Chapter 6 12C Communication Protocol 31 Slave selection and reset 31 s Coprocessor Busy. 31 Writing to the Coprocessor 31 Reading from the Coprocessor 32 Chapter 7 CP Device Characteristics 33 Physical Configuration 33 Maximum Environmental Conditions 33 Recommended Operating Conditions 34 12C Interface Characteristics 34 DC Electrical Characteristics 34 Timing Characteristics 35 ppendix a Coprocessor 2.0B to 2.0C Migration Guide 37(Ay Only 12C Communication Protocol 37 Increased SCL Speed 37 Shorter Reset Cycle 37 Warm Reset Supported 37 Automatic Sleep State Entry and Exit 38 NACK Responses Replace Clock Stretching 38 Shorter Accessory Certificate Data 38 System Event Counter Must Be Zero Betore Power-Down 38 Document Revision History 39 2011-06-22 I @2011 Apple Inc. All Rights Reserved. igures and Tables Chapter 1 Introduction 7 Table 1 Document-specific terminology 8 Chapter 2 Signal Descriptions and Reference Circuit 11 Fi ure 2-1 CP chip pinouts, top view 11 Figure 2-2 Reference circuit for CP 12 Table 2-1 CP signals 11 Table 2-2 Address se n signals 12 Chapter 3 Hardware Configuration and Interface 13 Figure 3-1 P2C interface startup timing 1 Figure 3-2 1C interface warm reset timing 15 Fi gure 3-3 12C slave write address 15 Figure 3-4 12C slave read address 15 Chapter 4 Coprocessor Registers 17 Figure 4-1 Authentication Control and Status register, read-only bits 21 igure 4-2 Fi Authentication Control and Status register, write-only bits 21 Figure 4-3 Self-test Control and Status register, write-only bits 23 Figure 4-4 Self-test Control and Status register, read-only bits/24 Table 4-1 iPod Authentication Coprocessor 2.0C register map 17 Table 4-2 Error codes 20 Table 4-3 Authentication ERR SET values 21 Table 4-4 Authentication PROC RESULTS values 21 Table 4-5 Authentication Proc control values 22 Table 4-6 Self-test proc control values 24 Table 4-7 Self-test result bits 24 Chapter 5 Authentication Data flows 27 Table 5-1 Sequence of interactions by which an Apple device authenticates an accessory 27 Table 5-2 Sequence of interactions by which an accessory authenticates an Apple device 28 5 2011-06-22 I @2011 Apple Inc. All Rights Reserved. FIGURES AND TABLES Chapter 7 CP Device Characteristics 33 Figure 7-1 Authentication coprocessor 2. 0C package 33 Figure 7-2 Typical 1/0 port input waveform 35 Table 7 Maximum electrical and temperature ranges 34 Table 7-2 Recommended operating conditions 34 Table 7-3 I2C interface ranges 34 Table 7-4 Supply current into VcC, excluding external current 35 Table 7 Inputs 35> Table 7-6 Outputs 35 Table 7-7 Values for Figure 7-236 2011-06-22 I @2011 Apple Inc. All Rights Reserved. CHAPTER 1 Introduction N IOTICE OF PROPRIE TARY PROPERTY THE INFORMATION CONTAINED HEREIN IS THE PROPRIETARY PROPERTY OF APPLE INC. THE POSSESSOR AGREES TO THE FOLLOWING: (DTO MAINTAIN THIS DOCUMENT IN CONFIDENCE (ID NOT TO REPRODUCE OR COPY IT, (IID NOT TO REVEAL OR PUBLISH IT IN WHOLE OR IN PART, (IV) ALL RIGHTS RESERVED ACCESS TO THIS DOCUMENT AND THE INFORMATION CONTAINED THEREIN IS GOVERNED BY THE TERMS OF THE MFI LICENSE AGREEMENT AND/OR THE IPOD-IPHONE AIS EVALUATION AGREEMENT. ALL OTHER USE SHALL BE AT APPLES SOLE DISCRETION Note: This document uses the term"Apple device"to refer generically to iPods, iPhones, and iPads, all of which support the iPod Accessory Protocol (iAP) interface. Among these products, those that also run iOS (Apples mobile operating system)are referred to as"ioS devices. "Specifications in this document that are designated for ioS devices apply only to those products Specifications designated for iPods apply only to Apple devices that are not ios devices. Overview device by issuing an authentication challenge to the accessory the accessory must respond to the apol o An Apple device verifies whether a third-party accessory attached to it is authorized for use with the apple device's challenge, and it can do so only with the assistance of an iPod Authentication Coprocessor( CP) chip located in the accessory. Conversely, the accessory can use its CP chip to authenticate the iPod. Certain control and reporting functions of the apple device are made available externally only after it has authenticated an attached accessory as being authorized Earlier versions of the ipod authentication Coprocessor(1.0, 2.0A, and 2.0B)were implemented in QFN-40 QFN-20, and sop-8 packages. The current version, 2.0C, is supplied in a smaller and more efficient PG-USON-8-1 ackage. This document describes the configuration, usage, and specifications of Apple's iPod Authentication Coprocessor 2.00 Authentication Protocol The authentication protocol supported by the iPod Authentication Coprocessor 2.0C is based on standard X509 version 3 certification. Each certificate is generated and signed by a recognized certificate authority and has a unique serial number. Information about the X509 standard can be found at the letf website http://tools.ietf.org/html/3280 For information about the iAP General lingo commands required to perform authentication using the ipod Authentication Coprocessor 2.0C, see apple's MFi Accessory Firmware Specification Overview 2011-06-22 I @2011 Apple Inc. All Rights Reserved. CHAPTER 1 Introduction The iPod Authentication Coprocessor 2.0C supports iAP General lingo commands Ox14 through Ox1E providing five authentication-related services: For Apple device authentication of the accessory: Certificate delivery: To initiate authenticatication of the accessory that contains it, the Cp supplies an X 509 digital certificate for public key verification by the attached apple device Signature generation: To complete authentication of the accessory that contains it, the Cp generates valid digital signature in response to a challenge from an attached Apple device This signature authorizes the apple device to respond to messages and commands from the accessory For accessory authentication of the apple device: Apple device certificate validation: To initiate the authentication of an Apple device attached to an accessory, the CP verifies that the X509 certificate supplied by Apple device has been signed by the proper certificate authority. Challenge generation: To continue the authentication of an Apple device attached to an accessory, the accessory's CP can generate a challenge to be sent to the apple device Signature verification: To complete the authentication of an Apple device attached to the accessory the Cp can verify the signature returned by the apple device in response to the previous challenge Terminology Used in This Document Certain technical terms specific to this document are defined in table 1-1 Table 1-1 Document-specific terminology Teri Definition Accessory controller The microcontroller in an accessory responsible for implementing application-specific logic. Authenticatⅰon a device in an accessory controller that provides apple device-related digital coprocessor signature creation and verification services Challenge A random number sent via iAP from an apple device to an accessory controller, or vice versa. the device being challenged must perform a digital signature computation on the offered challenge and return the resulting digital signature to the challenging device for verification. Digital signature he result obtained by performing a digital signing process on an offered challenge IAP od Accessory Protocol. See Apple's MFi Accessory Firmware Specification 12C b A 2-wire serial bus designed by philips to allow easy communication between components that reside on the same circuit board. The l2C specification is located Ithttp://www.semiconductors.philipscom/acrobat_download/itera ture/9398/39340011pdf Terminology Used in This Document 2011-06-22 I @2011 Apple Inc. All Rights Reserved. CHAPTER 1 Introduction Ter Definition X 509 certification/ A standard defined by the International Telecommunication Union(ITU)that governs the format of certificates used for authentication and sender identity verification in public-key cryptography. X509 certificates contain the public keys used in the apple device's accessory authentication process General Specification terms Parts of this document contain specification requirements that are incorporated by reference into legal agreements between Apple Inc and its licensees. the use of the words"must, " "should " and "may"in these specifications have the following meanings Must"means that the specification is an absolute requirement Must not"means that the specification is an absolute prohibition Should"means that there may be valid reasons in particular circumstances to ignore the specification, but their full implications must be understood and carefully weighed before choosing to do so Should not"means that there may be valid reasons in particular circumstances that make the specifie action or feature acceptable but their full implications must be understood and carefully weighed before choosing to include it May"means that the indicated action or feature does not contravene this specification Related documents For further information about authenticating Apple devices and their attached accessories, see apple's MFi Accessory Firmware Specification and MFi Accessory Hardware Specification Related documents 9 2011-06-22 I @2011 Apple Inc. All Rights Reserved. CHAPTER 1 Introduction Related documents 2011-06-22 I@ 2011 Apple Inc. All Rights Reserved.