掌握Kotlin中的Reactive Programming技术

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资源摘要信息:"Kotlin中的Reactive Programming" Kotlin是一种静态类型、面向对象、并发编程的现代化编程语言。它是基于JVM(Java虚拟机)设计的,并且可以和Java代码互操作。Kotlin语言具备简洁的语法和能够有效减少常见错误的特性,自推出以来,受到开发者的广泛欢迎。 Reactive Programming(响应式编程)是一种编程范式,专注于数据流和变化的传播。在这种模式中,数据流被视为一系列的事件,可以是用户交互、传感器读数、网络请求等。响应式编程库通常提供了声明式的接口,允许开发者以声明事件处理的方式来编写代码,从而简化了异步和基于事件的程序编写。 本书《Reactive-Programming-in-Kotlin: Packt出版的Kotlin中的Reactive Programming》是一本专门介绍如何在Kotlin中使用响应式编程的书籍。书中内容旨在向Kotlin开发者展示如何应用响应式编程来构建高性能、可扩展且更为可靠的软件应用程序。 响应式编程对于现代应用程序而言尤为重要,因为在如今的软件开发中,异步操作和非阻塞调用变得越来越普遍。例如,从数据库获取数据、进行网络请求、以及与用户进行交互等,都涉及到异步操作。响应式编程提供了一种清晰的模型来处理这些异步事件,使得代码更易于理解和维护。 本书中提到的一些关键点如下: 1. 响应式编程核心概念:响应式编程通过使用如Observable、Observer、Subscriber等构建块来实现。Observable是数据流的源头,而Observer则是对Observable发出的事件进行监听的组件。Subscriber是Observer的具体实现,可以对Observable发出的每个事件做出响应。 2. Kotlin与响应式编程的结合:Kotlin语言本身并不直接提供响应式编程的API,但是它对Java的兼容性允许开发者可以直接使用Java中的响应式编程库,如RxJava等。本书将指导Kotlin开发者如何利用这些库来实现响应式编程。 3. 异步编程与非阻塞调用:响应式编程强调使用异步和非阻塞的方式来处理数据流,这可以极大地提升应用程序的性能和响应速度。本书将引导开发者学会如何在Kotlin中实现这些操作。 4. 项目结构和代码示例:书中提供了一个完整的项目结构,将代码组织在以数字开头的文件夹中,例如“Chapter02”。这样的组织方式有助于开发者根据学习进度逐步理解和实践响应式编程。 5. 实际编码示例:在书的描述中,给出了一个简单的编码示例,展示了如何使用Kotlin的协程(coroutines)和RxJava来创建一个异步的数据流处理过程。这个示例使用了Kotlin的协程构建器async和CommonPool来处理异步任务,并利用Observable来创建一个从1到10的整数序列。通过subscribeOn方法指定了一个调度器来执行异步操作,最后通过subscribe来观察并响应事件。 响应式编程范式在处理并发任务和异步事件流方面显示出其独特的优势,尤其是在构建复杂、高交互性的用户界面,以及需要高响应性和高吞吐量的后端服务时。通过学习本书,Kotlin开发人员将能更好地掌握这一技术,提升自己的编程技能。 需要注意的是,本书虽然名为《Reactive-Programming-in-Kotlin》,但它并不是由Kotlin官方发布或推荐,而是由Packt出版社出版的。因此,书中内容应与其他书籍或官方文档相互印证,以获得最全面的视角。
2018-05-09 上传
Chapter 1, A Short Introduction to Reactive Programming, helps you understand the context, thinking pattern, and principles of reactive programming. Chapter 2, Functional Programming with Kotlin and RxKotlin, chapter walks you through the essential concepts of functional programming paradigms and their possible implementations on Kotlin so that you can understand functional reactive programming easily. Chapter 3, Observables, Observers, and Subjects, enables you to gain a grip on the base of RxKotlin—Observables, Observers, and Subjects lay at the core of RxKotlin. Chapter 4, Introduction to Backpressure and Flowables, introduces you to Flowables, which enable you to use Backpressure—a technique in RxKotlin that prevents producers from outpacing consumers. Chapter 5, Asynchronous Data Operators and Transformations, introduces you to operators in RxKotlin. Chapter 6, More on Operators and Error Handling, gets your grip stronger on operators, and introduces how to combine producers and how to filter them with operators. This chapter will also help you handle errors more efficiently in RxKotlin. Chapter 7, Concurrency and Parallel Processing in RxKotlin with Schedulers, enables you to leverage the benefits of Schedulers to achieve concurrent programming. Chapter 8, Testing RxKotlin Applications, walks you through the most crucial part of application development—testing—which is a bit different in RxKotlin as reactive programming defines behaviors instead of states. This chapter starts with the basics of testing, enabling you to learn testing from scratch. Chapter 9, Resource Management and Extending RxKotlin, helps you learn how to manage resources in Kotlin—resources could be database instances, files, HTTP accesses, or anything that needs to be closed. You will also learn how to create your own custom operators in RxKotlin in this chapter. Chapter 10, Introduction to Web Programming with Spring for Kotlin Developers, gets you started with Spring and Hibernate so that you can leverage its benefits while writing APIs in Kotlin. Chapter 11, REST APIs with Spring JPA and Hibernate, introduces you to the Reactor framework, the reactor-kotlin extension, so that you can apply reactive programming with Spring in Kotlin. Chapter 12, Reactive Kotlin and Android, the last chapter of this book, gets you started with reactive programming in Android with Kotlin.