智能电子鸡舍补光器设计:光照与时钟控制 解决饲养难题 (34 words)
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In the design of an electronic intelligent supplemental lighting device for chicken coops, the control of lighting is recognized as a crucial aspect of laying hen breeding. The appropriate control method must be determined based on the specific structure of the coop and the method of raising the chickens. The different types of light controllers not only vary in control principles but also in their suitability for different situations. By analyzing the various methods of lighting control in chicken coops and considering their advantages and disadvantages, a rational control model is proposed. By leveraging electronic technology and relevant knowledge, a lighting automatic control circuit for chicken coops is designed. This circuit combines light intensity control and a timer circuit to automatically provide supplemental lighting for the coop. This design effectively addresses the complexity of lighting control in the coop that arises from varying weather conditions and seasons. The core component of the design is the control circuit, as its quality determines the overall performance in terms of the rationality and accuracy of supplemental lighting. This intelligent lighting system brings significant benefits to the efficiency and effectiveness of chicken coop management.
2020-05-14 上传
2023-06-30 上传
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