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本资源名为《STM32_MAT/TARGET HandsOn Rev2.5》,是一份官方教程,旨在通过实践工作坊指导用户如何快速开发基于STM32的嵌入式应用程序,充分利用MATLAB® Simulink图形环境。教程覆盖了从软件安装设置到硬件配置的全过程,以及关键工具如STM32CubeMX、MATLAB、Simulink、Embedded Coder、IAR EWARM、Keil MDK-ARM、TrueSTUDIO® for STM32、SW4STM32和STM32CubeIDE的运用。 主要内容包括: 1. **目标**: - 该教程提供了手把手的实践指导,帮助用户熟悉MATLAB Simulink环境,用于STM32的快速应用开发。 - 学习者将了解所需软件的安装和配置,以便开始项目,例如MATLAB和Simulink的基本功能,以及代码生成工具如Embedded Coder。 - 学习者将掌握从头开始设计应用的步骤,以及获取进一步技术支持的途径。 2. **系统检查**: - 必备软件包括MathWorks提供的MATLAB、Simulink和Embedded Coder,以及来自STMicroelectronics的STM32CubeMX作为核心配置工具。 - 推荐使用IAR的EWARM或Keil的MDK-ARM进行编译器选择,以及TrueSTUDIO® for STM32和SW4STM32进行IDE的支持。 - 对于硬件,任何带有STM32处理器并支持SWD/JTAG接口的电子开发板都适用,如STLink V2或V3。 3. **实践环节**: - 教程详细介绍了如何在Simulink中设置模型,进行纯计算机模拟(PC Pure Simulation),以及通过Processor in the Loop (PIL)方法进行硬件在环测试。 - 课程还包括了如何利用MATLAB生成应用程序代码,并在实际应用中采用外部模式(External Mode)。 通过这份教程,学习者将不仅能够理解MATLAB与STM32CubeMX的集成使用,还能提升其在嵌入式系统开发中的实践能力,无论是软件设计、仿真还是代码生成流程都有深入的理解。这是一项重要的技能,对于从事STM32开发的工程师来说,是提高工作效率和产品质量的关键资源。


This is a book about the STM32 family of 32-bit Flash microcontrollers from ST Microelectronics based on the ARM Cortex-M architecture. The book will guide you in a clear and practical way to this hardware platform and the official ST CubeHAL, showing its functionalities with a lot of examples and tutorials. The book assumes that you are totally new to this family of MCUs, and it will start showing how to setup a complete and totally free software tool-chain to build your STM32 based applications. The installation instructions will allow to setup a complete tool-chain on Windows, Linux and Mac OSX. The book is addressed both to professionals and to fans of this platform, like hobbyists and students. The book examples are based on the sixteen Nucleo-64 boards from ST. This release is composed by twenty-two chapters, divided in about 780 pages. They cover: Introduction to Cortex-M and STM32 microcontrollers How to setup a complete and working tool-chain to develop STM32 applications on Windows, Linux and Mac OSX How to use STM32CubeMX to generate application skeleton, and how to import it inside the tool-chain Introduction to OpenOCD and to the debugging of STM32 applications ARM semihosting GPIO management NVIC controller UART peripheral DMA controller STM32 clock tree and its configuration Basic, general purpose and advanced STM32 timers ADC peripheral DAC controller I2C bus and protocol SPI bus Power management The memory layout of an STM32 application and linker scripts Flash memory management and the role of the ART Accelerator The booting process in STM32 microcontrollers and how to write a custom bootloader FreeRTOS and the tickless low-power mode Advanced debugging techniques and how to use SEGGER tools to debug STM32 MCUs How to design a custom board using an STM32 MCU
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