High Power Laser Science and Engineering, (2018), Vol. 6, e11, 9 pages.
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Scaling diode-pumped, high energy picosecond lasers to
kilowatt average powers
Brendan A. Reagan
, Cory Baumgarten
, Elzbieta Jankowska
, Han Chi
, Herman Bravo
, Kristian
, Michael Pedicone
, Liang Yin
, Hanchen Wang
, Carmen S. Menoni
, and Jorge J. Rocca
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Colorado State University, Fort Collins, CO 80523, USA
XUV Lasers Inc., PO Box 273251, Fort Collins, CO 80527, USA
Department of Physics, Colorado State University, Fort Collins, CO 80523, USA
(Received 3 December 2017; accepted 3 January 2018)
Recent results in the development of diode-driven high energy, high repetition rate, picosecond lasers, including the
demonstration of a cryogenic Yb:YAG active mirror amplifier that produces 1.5 J pulses at 500 Hz repetition rate
(0.75 kW average power) are reviewed. These pulses are compressed resulting in the generation of ∼5 ps duration,
1 J pulses with 0.5 kW average power. A full characterization of this high power cryogenic amplifier, including at-
wavelength interferometry of the active region under >1 kW average power pump conditions, is presented. An initial
demonstration of operation at 1 kW average power (1 J, 1 kHz) is reported.
Keywords: advanced laser technology and applications; diode-pumped solid-state laser and applications; high power laser; high power laser
related laser components; laser amplifiers
1. Introduction
The continued advancement of compact, short pulse lasers
with high average power is crucial for the development of
important applications. These include driving the next gen-
eration of ultra-intense few-cycle and single-cycle sources
at wavelengths ranging from the visible to the far infrared
through optical parametric chirped pulse amplification
and related schemes such as frequency-domain
optical parametric amplification (FOPA)
. These lasers
are also in demand for pumping tabletop secondary sources
of radiation at more extreme wavelengths, such as drivers
for coherent and incoherent sources of extreme ultraviolet
(EUV), soft X-ray and hard X-rays
, and, at the opposite
end of the spectrum, terahertz sources exploiting techniques
like optical rectification
[9, 10]
. These compact coherent, short
wavelength sources can be realized through high harmonic
[5, 6]
and plasma-based soft X-ray lasers
[7, 8]
. In
turn, the development of high power incoherent, plasma-
based sources of EUV radiation is key to the advancement
of lithography for the fabrication of the next generations
Correspondence to: B. A. Reagan, Colorado State University, USA.
Email: brendan.reagan@colostate.edu
of computer processors and memory
. Furthermore,
high flux beams of high energy picosecond pulses are of
interest for the production of gamma rays through inverse
Compton scattering with accelerated electron beams
[11, 12]
In addition, these lasers are of interest for the generation
of high energy femtosecond laser pulses at very high
repetition rates (multi-kilowatt-average powers) to enable
the implementation of compact, practical particle acceler-
ators based on laser wakefield acceleration
[13, 14]
, greatly
increasing access to giga electron-volt beams for basic
research and therapeutic radiation treatments. These and
other applications are motivating the development of high
average power, short pulse lasers by groups at institutions
Figure 1 summarizes the current state of the art of high
energy, high average power, diode-pumped short pulse
. Considerable progress has been made in the
development of picosecond and femtosecond lasers with
pulse energies of tens of millijoules to a few hundred mil-
lijoules at average powers approaching or exceeding 1 kW.
These lasers have been enabled using various techniques.
The thin disk geometry
was particularly successful, and
was recently employed to generate >200 mJ pulses at 5 kHz
repetition rate and >100 mJ at 10 kHz repetition rate
Other schemes include the innoslab geometry
, which is