
需积分: 1 0 下载量 139 浏览量 更新于2024-01-04 收藏 1.12MB DOC 举报
本论文是关于图书馆书库管理系统的毕业设计,旨在检验应考者综合运用所学基础理论和专业技能,独立分析和解决实际问题的能力。该系统主要实现图书管理员对图书的管理、读者借还书的统计和管理、读者和管理员对图书信息和读者信息的查询以及打印相应的信息报表等功能。在设计和实现过程中,作者深刻体会到理论联系实践的重要性和必要性,并对Java Swing和SQL Server 2000的功能有了更深入的了解,但仍需多加实践和练习。作者表示将在以后的工作中不断学习和充实自己,力争成为一个高水平的程序员。 Through his graduation thesis, the author aims to examine the candidate's comprehensive application of basic theories and professional skills, as well as the ability to independently analyze and solve practical problems. The system mainly implements the management of books by librarians, the statistics and management of book borrowing and returning by readers, the query of book and reader information by readers and administrators, and the printing of corresponding information reports. In the process of design and implementation, the author deeply realizes the importance and necessity of linking theory with practice, and gains a deeper understanding of the functions of Java Swing and SQL Server 2000, but still needs more practice and exercise. The author expresses his determination to continue learning and enriching himself in future work, striving to become a high-level programmer. Key words: Java Swing; SQL Server 2000; library management.