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"《现代PythonCookbook》是一本由Steven Lott编著的综合文档,专为忙碌的现代程序员提供了最新的Python编程实践技巧。该书于2016年11月首次出版,由Packt Publishing Ltd.发行,ISBN号为978-1-78646-925-0。书中涵盖了丰富的主题,包括数字、字符串和元组处理、不同类型数值的比较与转换、货币计算、浮点运算和整数除法等基础知识,以及命名变量、选择合适的数据类型等编程最佳实践。 在第一章“Numbers, Strings, and Tuples”中,作者引导读者理解如何创建有意义的变量名并明智地进行命名。通过实际操作演示,学习者可以掌握如何给对象赋值,以及不同类型数据的正确使用。章节中还涉及了处理大数和小数,以及不同数值类型的对比,如浮点数与分数。在数值类型的选择上,作者讲解了何时使用`float`、`decimal`或`fraction`,并展示了如何进行货币计算和精确的数学运算。 章节“Choosing between true division and floor division”探讨了真除(浮点数除法)和地板除法(向下取整除法)的区别,帮助读者理解在实际编程中如何根据需求选择恰当的运算方式。通过详细的步骤指导,读者能够更好地理解和应用这些概念。 总体来说,《现代Python Cookbook》不仅提供了解决实际问题的代码示例,还注重培养读者的编程思维和对Python语言的深入理解,适合想要提升Python技能的程序员作为参考工具。无论是初学者还是有一定经验的开发者,都能从中找到提升编程效率和编写高质量代码的方法。"
2016-12-16 上传
Key Features Develop succinct, expressive programs in Python Learn the best practices and common idioms through carefully explained and structured recipes Discover new ways to apply Python for the new age of development Book Description Python is the preferred choice of developers, engineers, data scientists, and hobbyists everywhere. It is a great scripting language that can power your applications and provide great speed, safety, and scalability. By exposing Python as a series of simple recipes, you can gain insight into specific language features in a particular context. Having a tangible context helps make the language or standard library feature easier to understand. This book comes with over 100 recipes on the latest version of Python. The recipes will benefit everyone ranging from beginner to an expert. The book is broken down into 13 chapters that build from simple language concepts to more complex applications of the language. The recipes will touch upon all the necessary Python concepts related to data structures, OOP, functional programming, as well as statistical programming. You will get acquainted with the nuances of Python syntax and how to effectively use the advantages that it offers. You will end the book equipped with the knowledge of testing, web services, and configuration and application integration tips and tricks. The recipes take a problem-solution approach to resolve issues commonly faced by Python programmers across the globe. You will be armed with the knowledge of creating applications with flexible logging, powerful configuration, and command-line options, automated unit tests, and good documentation. What you will learn See the intricate details of the Python syntax and how to use it to your advantage Improve your code readability through functions in Python Manipulate data effectively using built-in data structures Get acquainted with advanced programming techniques in Python Equip yourself with functional and statistical programming features Write proper tests to be sure a program works as advertised Integrate application software using Python Table of Contents Chapter 1. Numbers, Strings, and Tuples Chapter 2. Statements and Syntax Chapter 3. Function Definitions Chapter 4. Built-in Data Structures – list, set, dict Chapter 5. User Inputs and Outputs Chapter 6. Basics of Classes and Objects Chapter 7. More Advanced Class Design Chapter 8. Functional and Reactive Programming Features Chapter 9. Input/Output, Physical Format, and Logical Layout Chapter 10. Statistical Programming and Linear Regression Chapter 11. Testing Chapter 12. Web Services Chapter 13. Application Integration