Vojtěch Jeřábek的建筑作品集:创新建筑设计

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"Vogtech Architektonicke portfolio.pdf" 是一份汇集了世界各国大学生优秀建筑毕业设计作品的合集,其中展示了VOJTĚCH JEŘÁBEK的精选项目。该作品集包含了作者的学习历程、专业技能、语言能力和联系方式。 在作品集中,VOJTĚCH JEŘÁBEK分享了他在FAČVUT(捷克技术大学建筑学院)的硕士学习经历,以及早前的本科教育背景。他的专业技能包括使用3D建模软件如Rhino、Revit、FryRender、V-Ray和SketchUp进行渲染,同时他也熟悉CAD工具如AutoCAD和AutoCAD Architecture。此外,他还掌握了Adobe Photoshop和InDesign进行图形设计,并且能熟练使用MS Office。他能说流利的英语,对德语也有一定了解。 在建筑项目方面,一个引人注目的设计是位于Kamenice村庄的住宅项目。这个设计方案针对一块靠近湖泊的绿地,计划在该地建造一座住宅。设计的核心是一个中心混凝土立方体,两侧由木质材料包裹的居住部分以不规则的高度延伸出来,既增强了地形的横向感,又赋予整个建筑独特的视觉效果。主楼体内设有一个宽敞的两层空间,可能是起居或多功能区域,体现了设计的创新性和对环境的尊重。 此作品集不仅展示了VOJTĚCH JEŘÁBEK的建筑设计才华,也揭示了他在处理空间、材质和环境关系上的深思熟虑。他的设计方案融合了现代主义元素与自然和谐,反映出对可持续性和居住舒适度的关注。这样的毕业设计作品集对于建筑学学生、教师以及行业专业人士来说,都是宝贵的学习和灵感来源,可以从中学习到如何将理论知识转化为实际、创新的建筑设计。

import jqdata # 初始化聚宽账号密码 def initialize(context): # 设置回测日期区间 set_benchmark('000300.XSHG') set_option('use_real_price', True) # 设置买入的股票数量上限 g.max_stock_count = 5 def handle_data(context, data): # 获取当前日期 current_date = context.current_dt.date() # 获取股票池中的股票列表 stocks = get_index_stocks('000852.XSHG') # 按照股票池中的股票进行遍历 for stock in stocks: # 判断股票是否满足买入条件 if check_buy_condition(stock, current_date, context): buy_stock(stock, context) # 判断持有的股票是否满足卖出条件 if check_sell_condition(stock, current_date, context): sell_stock(stock, context) def check_buy_condition(stock, current_date, context): # 判断股票是否连续下跌三天 prices = attribute_history(stock, 3, '1d', ['close']) if len(prices) == 3 and prices['close'][-1] < prices['close'][-2] < prices['close'][-3]: return True else: return False def buy_stock(stock, context): # 判断当前持仓的股票数量是否已达上限 if len(context.portfolio.positions) >= g.max_stock_count: return # 买入股票 order_value(stock, context.portfolio.cash / g.max_stock_count) def check_sell_condition(stock, current_date, context): # 获取持有股票的买入日期 buy_date = context.portfolio.positions[stock].init_time.date() # 判断是否满足卖出条件 if current_date - buy_date >= 3: # 判断是否亏损超过5% if (context.portfolio.positions[stock].last_price - context.portfolio.positions[stock].avg_cost) / context.portfolio.positions[stock].avg_cost <= -0.05: return True return False def sell_stock(stock, context): # 卖出股票 order_target(stock, 0)当中buy_date = context.portfolio.positions[stock].init_time.date()报错'NoneType' object has no attribute 'date'

2023-07-10 上传

分析封装。 private final String name; private double liquidity; private Set<MarketProperty> portfolio; //constructors //Creating an empty portfolio of assets and zero liquidity. public PropertyManagementCompany(String name, double liquidity) { this.name = checkName(name); this.liquidity = liquidity; this.portfolio = createEmptyPortfolio(); } private Set<MarketProperty> createEmptyPortfolio() { return new TreeSet<>(Comparator.comparingDouble(MarketProperty::getCurrentValuation).reversed()); } //creating a portfolio and liquidity with parameters such as company name, liquidity, and portfolio list public PropertyManagementCompany(String name, double liquidity, List<MarketProperty> portfolio) { this.name = checkName(name); this.liquidity = liquidity; this.portfolio = createEmptyPortfolio(); this.portfolio.addAll(portfolio); } //validators private String checkName(String name) { //The aim of this method is to ensure the type of category. if (name.isEmpty() ) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("The company name can't be empty!"); } else { return name; } } //Purchase a real estate asset with the purchase price. public void buyProperty(MarketProperty property, double price) { if (liquidity >= price) { if (portfolio.contains(property)) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("The property has been held."); } else { //MarketProperty marketProperty = new MarketProperty(property.getID(), property.getCategory(), property.getSize(), property.getInitialPrice()); portfolio.add(property); liquidity -= price; } } else { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Insufficient liquidity to purchase the property. "); } } //Sell a real estate asset with the current valuation. public void sellProperty(MarketProperty property) { if (portfolio.contains(property)) { liquidity += property.getCurrentValuation(); portfolio.remove(property); } else { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Property not found in portfoliio!"); } } //getters public String getName() { return name; } public double getLiquidity() { return liquidity; } public List<MarketProperty> g

2023-05-15 上传

def initialize(context): # 设置回测日期区间 set_benchmark('000300.XSHG') set_option('use_real_price', True) # 设置买入的股票数量上限 g.max_stock_count = 5 def handle_data(context, data): # 获取当前日期 current_date = context.current_dt.date() # 获取股票池中的股票列表 stocks = get_index_stocks('000852.XSHG') # 按照股票池中的股票进行遍历 for stock in stocks: # 判断股票是否满足买入条件 if check_buy_condition(stock, current_date, context): buy_stock(stock, context) # 判断持有的股票是否满足卖出条件 if check_sell_condition(stock, current_date, context): sell_stock(stock, context) def check_buy_condition(stock, current_date, context): # 判断股票是否连续下跌三天 prices = attribute_history(stock, 3, '1d', ['close']) if len(prices) == 3 and prices['close'][-1] < prices['close'][-2] < prices['close'][-3]: return True else: return False def buy_stock(stock, context): # 判断当前持仓的股票数量是否已达上限 if len(context.portfolio.positions) >= g.max_stock_count: return buy_date = context.current_dt.date() # 买入股票 order_value(stock, context.portfolio.cash / g.max_stock_count) def check_sell_condition(stock, current_date, context): # 获取持有股票的买入日期 buy_date = context.current_dt.date() time_diff = current_date - buy_date threshold = timedelta(days=3) # 判断是否满足卖出条件 if time_diff >= threshold or ((context.portfolio.positions[stock].last_price - context.portfolio.positions[stock].avg_cost) / context.portfolio.positions[stock].avg_cost <= -0.05): # 判断是否亏损超过5% return order_target(stock, 0) 报错 type object 'UserObject' has no attribute '__getattr__'

2023-07-11 上传