
需积分: 15 4 下载量 81 浏览量 更新于2024-10-30 收藏 6.87MB ZIP 举报
资源摘要信息:"vieux-master.zip" 在移动设备的固件操作领域,尤其是与苹果的iPhone相关的操作,通常会涉及到一些风险较高的操作,例如设备的系统降级。在这个资源文件"vieux-master.zip"中,提供了可以实现iPhone5s设备降级到iOS 10.3.3以及iPhone5设备降级到iOS 8.4.1的一句话代码,这表明文件中可能包含了一键式的降级工具或脚本。 关于iPhone设备的系统降级,这是一个在技术圈内相对敏感且复杂的操作,通常需要一定的技术背景才能安全完成。iOS系统的降级意味着从当前的版本回到一个较早的、可能已经不再被苹果官方支持的旧版本系统。对于iPhone5s设备,苹果官方已经停止签署iOS 10.3.3固件,这意味着你无法使用苹果官方的恢复模式或是iTunes工具来降级。而iPhone5到iOS 8.4.1的降级同样涉及到了苹果已经停止签署的固件版本。 根据描述中的"iPhone5s降级"这一标签,我们可以推断出压缩文件"vieux-master.zip"中可能包含的工具或脚本是专注于iPhone5s这一特定型号的降级操作。而"Vieux-master"可能是该降级工具或脚本项目的名称。 在此背景下,必须提到几个关键知识点: 1. iOS固件降级的限制:苹果公司为了鼓励用户使用最新版本的操作系统,会对旧版本的iOS固件进行签署限制。一旦苹果公司停止签署某个版本的固件,用户将不能通过官方途径降级。 2. 降级风险:进行iOS降级可能会导致设备上的一些重要数据丢失,且如果操作不当可能会导致设备变成“砖头”,即无法正常开机使用。 3. 越狱与降级的关系:在非官方渠道进行iOS降级通常需要先越狱设备,越狱是一种绕过iOS操作系统安全限制的行为,它允许用户获得更高权限来安装未经官方认证的应用程序和修改系统文件。 4. 使用第三方工具:在本资源文件中,所包含的一句话代码或脚本,很可能是一种第三方工具,这些工具可以绕过苹果的签署限制,通过漏洞或其他技术手段来实现系统降级。 5. iOS降级工具的更新:由于苹果公司经常修补安全漏洞,因此这些第三方降级工具需要定期更新,以适应新的iOS版本和安全措施。 6. 法律和政策的合规性:苹果公司严格禁止非官方固件的降级操作,使用第三方降级工具可能违反苹果的软件许可协议。同时,越狱和降级还可能使用户失去保修服务。 最后,考虑到降级可能带来的安全风险和法律责任,用户在尝试进行iOS降级操作之前,必须确保完全了解操作流程、具备相应技术知识,并准备承担可能的风险。由于涉及到手机设备的硬件和软件风险,强烈建议仅在必要时,且在专业人士的指导下进行此类操作。
2019-12-20 上传
iPhone降级工具NO LONGER MAINTAINED, USE VIEUX INSTEAD! 10.3.3 OTA Downgrade Script Script to downgrade any device that has iOS 10.3.3 OTA signed. Please read this before doing ANYTHING Yes, this may not work out of the box for everyone. Please note, if you are experienced with compiling things and using package managers, this will be an easy fix. For everyone else, please post any issues on the issues page and I will try to resolve any issues that are present. Also, please do not change a single thing unless you absolutely know what you're doing. Just let the script do its thing. Only supports the iPhone 5s (6,1 and 6,2), iPad Air (iPad4,1 iPad4,2 and iPad4,3) and iPad Mini 2 (iPad4,4 and iPad4,5). No iPad4,6 support ever because it doesn't have 10.3.3 OTA signed as it shipped with 7.1 not 7.0. Has been tested on macOS Mojave but SHOULD work on Catalina as it now doesn't need to write to / but CATALINA IS UNTESTED CURRENTLY. Don't complain to us if it doesn't work, just give us errors and we will try fix it. If you are running High Sierra or Catalina, it seems like these are the worst for ipwndfu to exploit your device. I'd advise either running a new install or just not even running this. You won't get anywhere on those versions until axi0mX updates the exploit. Windows support will probably be something that would never happen. Axi0mX probably isn't interested in supporting Windows with ipwndfu. Until then, Windows support will not be added. If this breaks your phone or macOS install neither Matty or Merc take absolutely no responsibility. This script has been tested by Matty, Merc, and others and should be fine but in case something goes wrong, that's on you not us. No verbose boot, custom logo's, or anything else will be added as of now, maybe later on. This will only downgrade your device to 10.3.3 and that's it.
2015-03-11 上传
2048游戏源码 # 2048 This is a derivative and the iOS version of the game 2048. In the very unlikely case that you don't know what it is, you can check it out [here](https://github.com/gabrielecirulli/2048). Made just for fun! You can find it on the [App Store](https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/2048-and-more!/id848859070?ls=1&mt=8).


## AI An AI is added, thanks to [DJBen](https://github.com/DJBen)! Tap "Hint" to show hint (e.g. Move left/right/up/down); tap "Auto Run" to run AI automatically. Check it out in the `AI` branch. You can also check out [this demo video on YouTube](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GF0ANNPpF8E). Thanks to [ov3y](https://github.com/ov3y/2048-AI)'s Javascript version that gave me (DJBen, that is) inspiration. ### Issues and pending improvements Currently the searching depth is 2 and it fails sometimes. You can increase the number to 3 or more by changing the return value of `- (NSInteger)maximumSearchingDepth` in `M2GlobalState+AI.h`. Ideally, the AI should search from 0 depth to infinity and have a time out, it records the current best move when finish searching the current depth and stops immediately when timed out and return the best move so far. However, I have a little bit of trouble when dealing with `NSOperationQueue` so I didn't do it this way. Now the AI only searches at the specified `-maximumSearchingDepth`. ## The Game Since it is a *derivative* of the original 2048, it is not the *same*. More explicitly, it has the following additions: * **Three board sizes**: 3x3, 4x4 and 5x5. The smaller the board is, the fewer cells you have, and the harder the game is.* * **Three game modes**: The original Power of 2, i.e. combining two tiles of the same value to produce their sum. The Power of 3, i.e. combining *three* consecutive tiles of the same value to produce their sum. Not surprisingly, this is pretty hard with the 3x3 board, although I found it pretty easy to get 81. 243 is a different story... And the Fibonacci sequence, i.e. combining two adjacent numbers in the sequence 2, 3, 5, 8, 13... (I omitted the two 1's in the beginning) to produce the one next to the larger value. This is pretty tricky. Try it out and you will know what I mean. * **Three themes**: I made a bright theme and a 'joyful' theme in addition to the original one. In case you wonder how to do themes in iOS. (There may be a better way, but themes are verbose in nature, because you *have to* specify all the colors, fonts, etc.) ## The Technology This version of 2048 is built using SpriteKit, the new 2-D game engine Apple introduced to iOS 7. As a result, it requires iOS 7 to run. On the other hand, this app has the following two great properties: * It does not rely on *any* third-party library. Not that Cocos-2D is not great, but the fact it's using SpriteKit means that it does not have any dependencies. * It does not have any images. That's right. The entire UI is done either via UIKit, or by Core Graphics. Check out the related files to see how that is done, if you are curious. You should be able to download the source, and build and run without problem. However, please note that you may not want to run it in the simulator unless you don't have an Apple Developer account. SpriteKit does use OpenGL, and simulating that using CPU will cause your computer to take off. ## The Code First off, the best thing about the code is that it's pretty well documented. Most methods have the Apple-style documentation, which means that you can triple-click on the method name to get its documentation. The code started to resemble the structure of the original 2048. So for example, it has a game manager, a board class, a tile class, etc. I at least *tried* to stick to MVC as much as possible. Here is a brief summary to get you started: * The `M2GameManager` class controls the game logic. There is only one action in the game: move. So the majority of that class is handling the move. The rest is checking whether you've won or died, etc. * The `M2Grid` class is the data structure for the board. The original 2048 used a 1-D array, but heck, 2-D array doesn't seem to be too bad here! ...except looping it is a bit ugly, so I made a `forEach` helper function. * The `M2Cell` class is the "slot"s. They are not the tiles themselves. The benefit of having this class is that the cells never move, so they are good references and they don't mess stuff up. * The `M2Tile` class is the actual tile, and **this** is the actual SpriteKit class. If all you want is some sample code for SpriteKit, here it is. I believe my animations are smoother than the other 2048 on the App Store, and are closer to the original animation. * The `M2GlobalState` class is a global class accessible from anywhere in the universe. Well, global stuff is evil, right? At least so we are told. But, it is at least better to encapsulate the global stuff into one single object (namespace), and that's a singleton right there. * The `M2Theme` class and its subclasses control the theme. * There are also some controller classes and view classes. It's probably a better idea to do the Game Over scene in SpriteKit, but I was lazy so I faked it using a view. The `M2GridView` class is the one that draws the board, btw. ### Contributing If you'd like to contribute, great! That's more than welcome. If you do make improvements to it, remember to put yourself in the "About 2048" page to get yourself credit. If you'd like to fork and make your own version, that's also great! Feel free to tinker with it however you'd like. It may not be a terribly good idea to change the font, add some ads, and submit to Apple, though. #### Contributors * Danqing Liu (me) * [Scott Matthewman](https://github.com/scottmatthewman) * [Sihao Lu](https://github.com/DJBen) ## Licence and Other 2048 for iOS is licenced under the MIT license. If you find the source code somewhat useful, all I ask is to download it from the [App Store](https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/2048-and-more!/id848859070?ls=1&mt=8), so I know that *someone* has seen it. Relax: It is free; it does not have any ads or weird stuff; it does not send you push notifications to ask you to go back and play it. You may also consider to [donate](https://github.com/gabrielecirulli/2048) to the maker of the original 2048 if you'd like, of course. (: