ISSN 1054660X, Laser Physics, 2011, Vol. 21, No. 10, pp. 1784–1788.
© Pleiades Publishing, Ltd., 2011.
Original Text © Astro, Ltd., 2011.
Pulsed fiber lasers have great applications in the
field of fiberoptic sensing, optical instrumentation,
microwave photonic systems, optical signal process
ing, and high speed optical signal transmission. A great
number of passively modelocking techniques have
been proposed to generate ultrashort pulse operation
[1–10]. Erbiumytterbiumdoped glasses have
received great attention during the last few years.
However, there exists a state of square pulse operation
when using the NPR technique [11–13], in which the
pulse duration can be as long as several nanoseconds.
The principle of the square pulse operation of the fiber
laser had been explained as caused by the nonlinear
polarization switching [11] or the combined action of
the cavityinduced peak clamping effect of the laser
and the almost linear pulse propagation in the laser
cavity [13]. The fiber lasers with the nanosecond
square pulses have potential applications in many fiber
optic sensors, such as in the multiplexed discrete sen
sor configurations and in the distributed temperature
sensing systems, and more importantly in the system
of high power fiber laser when serving as a laser seed.
The comparatively long pulse duration makes the
nanosecond pulse fiber laser feature the capability of
being readily amplified in a fiber amplifier scheme.
With the development of wavelengthdivisionmulti
plexed systems, multiwavelength fiber laser has
attracted considerable attention in the past years. To
date, a lot of methods have been proposed for the gen
eration of the multiwavelength laser oscillation [14–
17]. In the mean time, as the modelocking operation
often offers a wide emission spectrum [18], a multi
wavelength modelocked fiber laser with nanosecond
pulse duration can be further amplified to pump an
The article is published in the original.
optical parametric oscillator for a wide midinfrared
In this letter, we report, for the first time to our
knowledge, a passively multiwavelength mode
locked square nanosecond pulsed Er/Yb codoped
fiber laser based on a “figureofeight” cavity structure
which is different from the other Er/Yb codoped fiber
laser [19, 20]. By using a high power multimode laser
diode as the pump source, stable comb shaped wide
emission spectrum ranging from 1590 to 1630 nm was
obtained when using the normal transmission fiber in
the figure of eight cavity to compensate the cavity dis
persion. This comb shaped wide spectrum emission
changed to smooth wide spectrum of about 90 nm
ranging from 1550 to 1640 nm when substituting the
dispersion shifted fiber for the normal transmission
fiber. High average power output up to 134.6 mW was
obtained from the modelocked fiber laser with a rep
etition rate of several megahertz, which as a seeding
source can be further amplified in a fiber amplifier for
high power level wide spectral emission output [21].
The setup of the modelocked Er/Yb codoped fiber
laser with nanosecond square pulse output is shown in
Fig. 1. The 2
2 3dB coupler and the loop on the right
side of the figure formed a nonlinear amplifying loop
mirror (NALM). The NALM consisted of a piece of
polarizationmaintaining (PM) Er/Yb codoped dou
bleclad fiber (with core and inner clad diameters of
m, core and cladding numerical apertures of
0.2/0.46, respectively, and length of 5 m from Nufern),
90 m normal communication transmission fiber
(SMF28 fiber), a polarization controller (PC) and a
(2 + 1)
1 multimode fiber combiner. The Er/Yb co
doped double clad fiber was pumped through the com
biner by a multimode fiber pigtailed laser diode with
MultiWavelength ModeLocked Er/Yb CoDoped Fiber Laser
with Square NanoSecond Pulse Output
W. Ye*, J. Wang, T. Chen, and Y. H. Shen
State Key Laboratory of Modern Optical Instrumentation, Department of Optical Engineering,
Zhejiang University, Hangzhou, 310027 China
Received March 19, 2011; in final form, March 27, 2011; published online August 3, 2011
—We report a multiwavelength modelocked Er/Yb codoped fiber laser with square nanosecond
pulse output, which is constructed with a “figureofeight” cavity structure. A section of polarizationmain
taining Er/Yb codoped double clad fiber was used as the gain medium and pumped by a fiber pigtailed mul
timode laser diode working at 975 nm via a multimode fiber combiner. Several megahertz repetition rate out
put pulses with peak power up to 9.2 W and pulse duration around several nanoseconds were obtained.