逐步指南:Kubernetes v1.10.4集群手动部署教程

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"《跟随我部署Kubernetes集群》是一份全面且详尽的中文教学资料,针对想要深入了解Kubernetes集群部署过程的专业人士设计。该教程基于Kubernetes v1.10.4,不依赖自动化工具如kubeadm,而是通过手动操作一步步引导读者搭建集群。作者在每一步都详细解释了组件的启动参数、其作用以及可能遇到的问题,以便学员掌握系统配置和运行原理。 教程主要包括以下章节: 1.1-1.15:逐步介绍了系统的初始化,如组件版本选择(如Docker和Etcd)、CA证书和kubectl工具的部署。特别关注了Master节点的部署,分为HA(高可用性)部分,包括API服务器、控制器管理器和调度器的设置。Worker节点的部署同样细致,涵盖了Docker、kubelet和kube-proxy的安装与配置。 09.部署集群插件部分,涵盖了DNS、dashboard、heapster、metrics-server和EFK(Elasticsearch, Fluentd, Kibana)等关键插件,有助于增强集群的功能性和数据分析能力。 10和11还涉及了Docker-Registry和Harbor-Registry的部署,以及12中的集群清理环节。在整个过程中,强调了x509证书双向认证和RBAC授权等高级安全设置的重要性,并提示读者从头开始部署以确保成功。 这份文档适合有一定Kubernetes基础的读者,尤其是希望通过实践深入学习和理解系统配置和内部运作机制的人。它适用于CentOS7和Ubuntu16.04及以上版本的操作系统,并承诺会根据组件更新进行同步更新,鼓励读者在遇到问题时积极参与讨论。 通过跟随这份教程,读者不仅能掌握Kubernetes的部署,还能提升解决问题的能力,对于希望成为Kubernetes管理员或开发者的人来说,是一份非常宝贵的参考资料。"

给我翻译To set up VNC on Debian, you can follow these steps: Install a desktop environment if you haven't already done so. For example, you can install GNOME by running the command sudo apt-get install gnome-core. Install the VNC server software. One popular option is TigerVNC. You can install it by running the command sudo apt-get install tigervnc-standalone-server. Configure the VNC server. You can do this by creating a configuration file in the directory /etc/systemd/system. For example, you can create a file called vncserver@.service with the following contents: 复制 [Unit] Description=Start TigerVNC server at startup After=syslog.target network.target [Service] Type=forking User=%i ExecStart=/usr/bin/vncserver :1 -geometry 1280x800 -depth 24 -dpi 96 ExecStop=/usr/bin/vncserver -kill :1 [Install] WantedBy=multi-user.target This configuration will start the VNC server on display 1 with a resolution of 1280x800, a color depth of 24 bits, and a DPI of 96. You can modify these settings to suit your needs. Enable and start the VNC server. You can do this by running the following commands: 复制 sudo systemctl enable vncserver@:1.service sudo systemctl start vncserver@:1.service This will enable the VNC server to start automatically at boot time, and start the server immediately. Connect to the VNC server. You can use any VNC client software to connect to the server. For example, you can use RealVNC or TightVNC. Just enter the IP address of the Debian machine and the display number (in this case, :1) to connect.

2023-06-11 上传