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"TI电源管理芯片包括线性稳压器如TPS7xxx系列和开关模式稳压器,如电感型和电荷泵。线性稳压器工作原理是通过调整管(通常是MOSFET)来维持输出电压稳定,但效率较低,因为能量消耗在调整管上。现代LDO利用MOSFET的小RDSON实现更低的电压降。在选择线性稳压器时,需关注VOUT精度、VIN范围、VDO与IOUT的关系、热特性、静态电流IQ、电源纹波抑制比和噪声密度等关键参数。效率可近似通过Vout/Vin计算,而功率耗散为(Vin-Vout)×Iout。" TI公司的电源管理芯片提供多种类型的解决方案,其中线性稳压器如TPS7xxx系列是常见的一种。线性稳压器保持输出电压恒定,其工作原理是通过一个内部调整管(通常为MOSFET)改变其阻抗来调节输出电压。尽管简单且输出电压稳定,但因为输入电压必须大于输出电压,所以当两者差距较大时,效率降低,能量以热量形式损耗。 线性稳压器的核心组件包括误差放大器、参考电压VREF、以及通路晶体管。误差放大器比较输出电压VOUT与内部参考电压,并调整通路晶体管以维持VOUT的稳定。现代线性稳压器,特别是LDO(低压差稳压器),利用MOSFET的低电阻特性,能在输入输出电压差极小的情况下仍保持高效运行。 在选择线性稳压器时,有多个关键参数需要考虑。VOUT精度是衡量输出电压准确度的重要指标,TI公司规定了全温度范围内的VOUT精度。VIN范围则影响稳压器在不同输入电压下的性能,低输入电压可能会导致性能下降。VDO(电压差)是指输入电压与输出电压之间的最小差值,它与负载电流IOUT有关。热特性至关重要,确保封装能承受预期环境下的功率损耗。静态电流IQ在负载电流非常小时显得尤为重要,因为它即使在无负载时也会消耗电力。此外,电源纹波抑制比(PSRR)衡量了稳压器对输入电源噪声的抑制能力,而噪声密度则反映了输出电压的噪声水平。 在效率方面,线性稳压器的效率通常低于开关模式稳压器,因为它不涉及能量转换,而是通过调整管直接消耗输入电压的一部分。忽略静态电流,效率大约等于Vout/Vin。然而,实际的功率耗散(PD)等于输入电压与输出电压差与负载电流的乘积,即PD=(Vin-Vout)×Iout。 TI的电源管理芯片涵盖了各种电源解决方案,而线性稳压器因其稳定性和易用性在许多应用中被广泛采用。选择合适的线性稳压器需要综合考虑上述各项技术参数,以确保在特定应用环境下达到最佳性能和效率。
2019-06-24 上传
As the world leader in logic, Texas Instruments (TI) offers a full spectrum of logic functions and technologies ranging from the mature bipolar and BiCMOS families to the latest advanced CMOS families. TI offers process technologies with the logic performance and features needed in today’s elec- tronic markets while maintaining support for the traditional logic products. TI’s product offerings include the following process technolo- gies or device families: •AC, ACT, AHC, AHCT, ALVC, AUC, AUP, AVC, FCT, HC, HCT, LV-A, LV-AT, LVC, TVC •ABT, ABTE, ALB, ALVT, BCT, HSTL, LVT •BTA, CB3Q, CB3T, CBT, CBT-C, CBTLV, FB, FIFOs, GTL, GTLP, JTAG, I2C, VME •ALS, AS, F, LS, S, TTL Some Logic families have been in the marketplace for years, the oldest well into their fourth decade. The “Logic Migration Overview” section gives logic users a visual guide to migra- tion from the older to the newer technologies. Today’s applications are evolving with greater functionality and smaller size. TI’s goal is to help designers easily find the ideal logic technology or function they need. By offering logic families at every price/performance node along with bench- mark delivery, reliability and worldwide support, TI maintains a firm commitment to remain in the market with both leading- edge and mature logic lines. The “Product Index” section pro- vides a snapshot of TI’s extensive portfolio by function versus technology. The “Functional Cross-Reference” section shows the portfolio by device (type number) versus technology. Logic suppliers have historically focused on speed and low power as the priorities for product family improvement. As shown in Figure 1, fast performance is offered by many new TI product technologies such as AUC (1.8 V), ALVC (3.3 V) and 0 5 10 15 20 25 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 CMOS Voltage, VCC (V) Typical Propagation Delay, tpd (ns) HC AHC AC LVA LVC ALVC AVC AUC Figure 1. CMOS Voltage vs. Speed LV-A (5 V), depending on operating voltage requirements. Other technologies such as AUP focus on delivering “best-in- class” low-power performance. The “Packaging and Marking Information” section shows the wide variety of packaging options offered by TI. Included are advanced surface-mount packages like the fine-pitch, small- outline ball-grid-array (BGA) packages, quad flat no-lead (QFN) packages for gates and octals; and WCSP (NanoStar™/ NanoFree™) packages for single-, dual- and triple-gate functions. The new NanoStar/NanoFree WCSP packages are the world’s smallest logic packages, offering a 70% savings in space over industry-standard SC-70 packages. The “Resources” section provides additional information about TI logic families, including a list of technical literature and an overview of alternate sources for most logic families. Data sheets can be downloaded from the TI web site at www.ti.comor ordered through your local sales office or TI authorized distributor. (See back cover.)