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"C++ Without Fear(没有恐惧学C++) - Brian Overland的第二版初学者指南,旨在让读者感到聪明" "C++ Without Fear"是一本针对C++初学者的指导书籍,作者Brian Overland旨在消除学习这门强大编程语言时的恐惧感。书名中的“Without Fear”表达了作者的意图,即通过清晰易懂的方式教授C++,让学习过程变得更为友好和自信。 在C++的学习中,初学者通常会遇到复杂的语法、内存管理、面向对象编程以及模板等挑战。这本书的目标是帮助读者逐步掌握这些概念,同时保持学习的兴趣和动力。第二版可能包含了更新的内容,以适应C++语言的最新发展,如C++11、C++14和C++17标准引入的新特性。 C++是一种多范式编程语言,支持过程化、面向对象和泛型编程。它以其效率、灵活性和可移植性而著称,被广泛应用于系统软件、游戏开发、高性能计算、嵌入式系统等领域。因此,理解和掌握C++对于想要深入计算机科学和软件工程领域的学习者至关重要。 本书可能会涵盖以下关键知识点: 1. **基础语法**:包括变量、数据类型、运算符、流程控制(条件语句和循环)等。 2. **函数**:介绍如何定义和调用函数,以及函数参数和返回值的概念。 3. **指针与内存管理**:讲解指针的使用,内存分配和释放,以及理解堆栈和堆的区别。 4. **类与对象**:介绍面向对象编程的基础,如封装、继承和多态。 5. **模板**:讲述泛型编程,如何创建和使用模板函数和模板类。 6. **STL(Standard Template Library)**:讲解如何利用容器(如vector、list和map)、算法和迭代器来提高代码的效率和可读性。 7. **异常处理**:介绍如何在程序中捕获和处理错误,以增强程序的健壮性。 8. **输入/输出流**:使用iostream库进行文件和标准输入输出操作。 9. **C++11及后续标准的新特性**:如lambda表达式、右值引用、自动类型推断(auto关键字)等。 10. **实践项目**:书中可能包含一些实际编程项目,帮助读者将所学知识应用到实践中。 这本书不仅适合完全的编程新手,也适合那些对其他编程语言有一定了解但对C++感到困惑的开发者。通过系统的学习和实践,读者可以逐渐建立对C++的深刻理解和技能,从而在编程领域中更进一步。此外,作者和出版社还提供了批量购买和定制服务,便于教育机构或团队进行集体学习。
2016-01-26 上传
Now updated for the newest C++14 standard Paperback: 624 pages Publisher: Prentice Hall; 3 edition (December 30, 2015) Language: English ISBN-10: 0134314301 ISBN-13: 978-0134314303 Learning C++ Doesn’t Have to Be Difficult! Have you ever wanted to learn programming? Have you ever wanted to learn the C++ language behind many of today’s hottest games, business programs, and even advanced spacecraft? C++ Without Fear, Third Edition, is the ideal way to get started. Now updated for the newest C++14 standard and the free Microsoft Visual C++ Community Edition, it will quickly make you productive with C++ even if you’ve never written a line of code! Brian Overland has earned rave reviews for this book’s approach to teaching C++. He starts with short, simple examples you can easily enter and run. Within a couple of chapters, you’ll be creating useful utilities, playing games, and solving puzzles. Everything’s simplified to its essentials, patiently explained, and clearly illustrated with practical examples and exercises that help you make progress quickly. Overland reveals the “whys” and “tricks” behind each C++ language feature. And you’ll never get bogged down in complex or pointless examples: He keeps you 100% focused on learning what works and what matters—while having fun! This new and improved edition Covers installing and using the free Microsoft Visual C++ Community Edition—but you can use any version of C++ Explains valuable improvements in the new C++14 standard Modularizes C++14 coverage so it’s easy to write code that works with older versions Teaches with even more puzzles, games, and relevant exercises Offers more “why” and “how-to” coverage of object orientation, today’s #1 approach to programming Presents more ways to use Standard Template Library (STL) code to save time and get more done Contains an expanded reference section for all your day-to-day programming Whether you want to learn C++ programming for pleasure or you’re considering a career in programming, this book is an outstanding choice.