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The (Snap用户手册)SMOS-BOX-FormatConversionUserGuide-5.8.0.pdf is a user manual for the SMOS-BOX Maintenance and Evolution NetCDF Format Conversion User Guide, version 5.8.0. The manual was prepared by Tom Block of Brockmann Consult GmbH and was last updated on 31st August 2020. The manual includes a changelog detailing the updates and changes made to the guide over time, including adaptations to the S-3 Toolbox and recommendations for Java usage. In addition to the SMOS-BOX user manual, the Sen2Cor atmospheric correction plugin for Sentinel-2 is also mentioned. This plugin is utilized for the purpose of atmospheric correction for Sentinel-2 data. The S-3 Toolbox/SMOS-BOX is a versatile tool that supports schema v7.03 data files and has undergone several updates and adaptations over the years, as reflected in the changelog of the user manual. Overall, the user manual provides comprehensive guidance on the usage of SMOS-BOX for NetCDF format conversion, with details on the version history, updates, and additional information on related tools such as Sen2Cor. The manual is a valuable resource for users seeking to understand and effectively utilize the SMOS-BOX tool for their data conversion needs.