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"这篇论文提出了一种用于无线通信的嵌套多阶段自适应波束形成器,该波束形成器采用新颖的嵌套系统架构,旨在降低系统复杂性并独立于每个阶段实现系统优化。与另一种竞争方法相比,这种方法表现出更好的性能。关键词包括自适应波束形成、天线阵列、多阶段以及最小均方误差准则。" 在无线通信领域,自适应波束形成是一种重要的技术,用于改善信号质量并提高系统容量。在多用户码分多址(CDMA)系统中,多址干扰(MAI)是导致信号链路质量下降和系统容量受限的主要因素。为了解决这些问题,学者们对采用自适应天线阵列进行了大量的研究。 嵌套多阶段自适应波束形成器是本文的核心贡献,其创新之处在于设计了一个层次化的系统结构。这种结构将复杂的波束形成任务分解为多个相对简单的阶段,每个阶段分别进行优化,从而降低了整体计算复杂度。这种方法允许在保持性能的同时,有效地处理相关信号环境中的干扰问题。 在相关信号环境中,传统的波束形成器可能会遇到挑战,因为各个信号源之间的相关性可能影响波束形成的效果。然而,论文中提出的嵌套多阶段方法通过独立优化每个阶段,能够更好地应对这种环境,从而提高了抗干扰能力。 最小均方误差(MMSE)准则通常用于衡量波束形成器的性能,目标是在所有可能的方向上最小化期望输出的均方误差。论文中提到的方法应用了这一准则,优化了波束形成器的性能,使其在抑制干扰和提升信噪比方面表现更优。 此外,文章还提到了辅助向量(AV)滤波器,这是Pados和Batalama等人先前提出的一种技术,特别是在空间时间滤波器方面的应用,它能够提供优化的性能。尽管AV滤波器在某些情况下表现出色,但嵌套多阶段自适应波束形成器通过其独特的设计,能够在复杂性和性能之间找到一个更好的平衡点。 该论文提出的嵌套多阶段自适应波束形成器为无线通信系统提供了一种新的解决方案,尤其是在处理相关信号环境时,能有效降低复杂性并提高性能。这为未来的研究和实际应用提供了有价值的参考。



Another example is the SRIOV_NET_VF resource class, which is provided by SRIOV-enabled network interface cards. In the case of multiple SRIOV-enabled NICs on a compute host, different qualitative traits may be tagged to each NIC. For example, the NIC called enp2s0 might have a trait “CUSTOM_PHYSNET_PUBLIC” indicating that the NIC is attached to a physical network called “public”. The NIC enp2s1 might have a trait “CUSTOM_PHYSNET_INTRANET” that indicates the NIC is attached to the physical network called “Intranet”. We need a way of representing that these NICs each provide SRIOV_NET_VF resources but those virtual functions are associated with different physical networks. In the resource providers data modeling, the entity which is associated with qualitative traits is the resource provider object. Therefore, we require a way of representing that the SRIOV-enabled NICs are themselves resource providers with inventories of SRIOV_NET_VF resources. Those resource providers are contained on a compute host which is a resource provider that has inventory records for other types of resources such as VCPU, MEMORY_MB or DISK_GB. This spec proposes that nested resource providers be created to allow for distinguishing details of complex components of some resource providers. During review the question came up about “rolling up” amounts of these nested providers to the root level. Imagine this scenario: I have a NIC with two PFs, each of which has only 1 VF available, and I get a request for 2 VFs without any traits to distinguish them. Since there is no single resource provider that can satisfy this request, it will not select this root provider, even though the root provider “owns” 2 VFs. This spec does not propose any sort of “rolling up” of inventory, but this may be something to consider in the future. If it is an idea that has support, another BP/spec can be created then to add this behavior.

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